
Publications from 2004

Proceed With Caution, Ellen S. Podgor and Barry Scheck

Wills, Trusts and Administration of Estates (2003-2004 Developments), Mary F. Radford

Wills, Trusts, Guardianships and Fiduciary Administration, Mary F. Radford

Are You Still Settling For Cable? A Case for Broader Application of the FCC’s Over-The-Air Reception Devices Rule, LaVonda N. Reed-Huff

Spoken English for International Communication, Ryan Rowberry, Salena Chow, and West Delavera


"Like a Disembodied Shade": Colonization and Internment as the American Way of Life, Natsu Taylor Saito

Book Review, Bioethics Mediation: A Guide to Shaping Shared Solutions, Charity Scott

Book Review, Judging in a Therapeutic Key: Therapeutic Jurisprudence & the Courts, Charity Scott

Interdisciplinary Contributions to Public Health Law, Charity Scott

Mediating Life and Death, Charity Scott


The New Bill to Protect the Gun Industry From Lawsuits: How It Strikes at the Heart of Age-Old Tort Law Principles, Anthony J. Sebok and Timothy D. Lytton

Why I Still Teach Marbury (and So Should You): A Response to Professor Levinson, Eric J. Segall

Legal Ethics, Roy M. Sobelson

Legal Ethics, Roy M. Sobelson


Patient-Centered Communication: Do Patients Really Prefer It?, Sara L. Swenson, Stephanie Buell, Patti Zettler, Martha White, Delaney C. Ruston, and Bernard Lo

Women's Rights and Children's Rights: A Partnership with Benefits for Both, Jonathan Todres

A Short History of Short Rate Premiums, Harold Weston

Fleming v. USAA: The Tale of the Coverage Grant That Ate the Exclusions, Harold Weston

Evaluating the Riskiness of a Carrier's Financial Condition, Harold Weston

Marriage Equality: A Civil Rights Issue, Ronald E. Wheeler

Book Review, Environmental Reporting and Recordkeeping: Forms and Checklists for Compliance, Colleen C. Williams

Managing Preference Claims, Jack F. Williams

You are Now Entering the Zone of Insolvency, Jack F. Williams and William K. Lenhart

AIDS Health-Care and Research Issues, Leslie E. Wolf and Bernard Lo

Informed Consent in HIV Research, Leslie E. Wolf and Bernard Lo

Untapped Potential: IRB Guidance and Ethics on Research with Stored Biological Materials, Leslie E. Wolf and Bernard Lo

Legal Barriers to Implementing Recommendations for Universal, Routine Prenatal HIV Testing, Leslie E. Wolf, Bernard Lo, and Lawrence O. Gostin

Crime and Punishment: Is There a Role for Criminal Law in HIV Prevention Policy?, Leslie E. Wolf and Richard Vezina

The Certificates of Confidentiality Application: A View from the NIH Institutes, Leslie E. Wolf, Jolanta Zandecki, and Bernard Lo

Publications from 2003

Book Review, Terrorism and Business: The Impact of September 11, 2001 , Elizabeth G. Adelman

Forms of Federal Statutory Publication, Elizabeth G. Adelman and Kristina L. Niedringhaus


Cyberplace: Defining a Right to Internet Access through Public Accommodation Law, Colin Crawford

Necessity Makes the Frog Jump: Land Use Planning and Urban Agriculture in Cuba, Colin Crawford

Sources and Structure of Contemporary Environmental Law, Colin Crawford


But What is Their Story?, Clark D. Cunningham

How to Explain Confidentiality?, Clark D. Cunningham

Lessons on Affirmative Action from India, Clark D. Cunningham

The World's Most Powerful Court: Finding the Roots of India's Public Interest Litigation Revolution in the Hussainara Khatoon Prisoners Case, Clark D. Cunningham

The Georgia Roundtable Discussion Model: Another Way to Approach Reforming Rape Laws, Andrea A. Curcio


Georgia's Public Service Bar Exam Alternative, Andrea A. Curcio and Clark D. Cunningham

2003 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

Taxes and Self-Identity, Samuel A. Donaldson


The Easy Case Against Tax Simplification, Samuel A. Donaldson

Book Review, Justification and Legitimacy: Essays on Rights and Obligations, William A. Edmundson

Letter to the Editor, "She", William A. Edmundson

Locke and Load, William A. Edmundson

The Social Enforcement of Morality, William A. Edmundson

Specialty Certification as an Incentive for Increased Professionalism: Lessons from Other Disciplines and Countries, Adrian Evans and Clark D. Cunningham

Entertainment Law, Robert Fremlin and Michael B. Landau


The Dean's Role as a Member of the University's Central Administration, Janice C. Griffith

Brief for Mitch McConnell et al., L. Lynn Hogue

Public Independent Fact-Finding: A Trust-Generating Institution for an Age of Corporate Illegitimacy and Public Mistrust, R. William Ide III and Douglas H. Yarn

Legal Research Exercises Following the Bluebook, Nancy P. Johnson and Susan Phillips

A Box-Jenkins-Tiao Intervention Strategy for Identifying Structural Change in Legal Doctrine: An Empirical Look at the Plaintiff's Decision to Litigate Employment Discrimination Disputes a Decade After the Civil Rights Act of 1991, Gregory Todd Jones

Fighting Capitulation: A Research Agenda for the Future of Dispute Resolution, Gregory Todd Jones

Toward an Integrated Practice of Behavioral Conflict Management, Gregory Todd Jones

Why Not "Why Not?"? Ingenuity and Creativity in Problem Solving à la Nalebuff and Ayres, Gregory Todd Jones

Evaluative Dispute Resolution under Uncertainty: An Empirical Look at Bayes Theorem and the Expected Value of Perfect Information, Gregory Todd Jones and Douglas H. Yarn


New Studies Provide Insight into How Disputants Value Case Evaluation by Third Parties, Gregory Todd Jones and Douglas H. Yarn

Property: Quick Review Sum & Substance Series, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Sum & Substance Quick Review, Property, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Land Use Planning and Development Regulation Law (Hornbook), Julian C. Juergensmeyer and T. Roberts

Land Use Planning and Development Regulation Law, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and Thomas E. Roberts

A Perdue Victory Would Eliminate Safeguard Against Abuse of Power, Neil J. Kinkopf

Book Review, Unintended Consequences of Constitutional Amendment, Neil J. Kinkopf

International Poverty Law: A Response to Economic Globalization, Timothy K. Kuhner


Note, Human Rights Treaties in U.S. Law: The Status Quo, Its Underlying Bases, and Pathways for Change, Timothy K. Kuhner


Why Grokster Does Not Infringe Copyright and Napster Does, Michael Landau

Copyright, the First Amendment, and the Right of Publicity: The Expansion of "Transformative Uses", Michael B. Landau

Digital Music Downloads and Copyright Infringement, Michael B. Landau


Jurisdiction and Choice of Law in Internet Defamation Cases, Michael B. Landau

Questions and Answers About the Napster Case, Michael B. Landau

Silencing Content Providers: They're Coming From Everywhere and Under Every Theory, Michael B. Landau


Bert Lance (1931-2013), E. R. Lanier


Business Law in Georgia, E. R. Lanier

Georgia's New Reciprocity Admissions Rule: A Short History and Brief Introduction, E. R. Lanier


Griffin Bell, E. R. Lanier

Consent from Donors for Embryo and Stem Cell Research, Bernard Lo, Vicki Chou, Marcelle I. Cedars, Elana Gates, Robert N. Taylor, Leslie E. Wolf, Richard M. Wagner, and Keith R. Yamamoto

Eugenics: Lessons from a History Hiding in Plain Sight, Paul A. Lombardo

Facing Carrie Buck, Paul A. Lombardo

"Of Utmost National Urgency": The Lynchburg Hepatitis Study, 1942, Paul A. Lombardo

Pioneer's Big Lie, Paul A. Lombardo

Taking Eugenics Seriously: Three Generations of ??? Are Enough?, Paul A. Lombardo


Market Based Approaches to Environmental Preservation: To Environmental Mitigation Fees and Beyond, James C. Nicholas and Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Book Review, Cardinal Rules of Advocacy: Understanding and Mastering Fundamental Principles of Persuasion, Kristina L. Niedringhaus


E-Development: Should Librarians Expand Their Online Learning Opportunities?, Kristina L. Niedringhaus

Book Review, Murder and the Reasonable Man , Ellen S. Podgor

"Defensive Territoriality": A New Paradigm for the Prosecution of Extraterritorial Business Crimes, Ellen S. Podgor

Electing Indigent Defense Counsel Weakens System, Ellen S. Podgor

Extraterritorial Criminal Jurisdiction: Replacing "Objective Territoriality" with "Defensive Territoriality", Ellen S. Podgor

Iraq: Evidence, Victims are There, Ellen S. Podgor

Schemes to Defraud, Ellen S. Podgor

Should Ashcroft, Who Trusts No One, Be Trusted?, Ellen S. Podgor

White Collar Crime: Law and Practice, Ellen S. Podgor

Government Surveillance of Attorney-Client Communications: Invoked in the Name of Fighting Terrorism, Ellen S. Podgor and John Wesley Hall

International Taxation: Corporate and Individual, Philip F. Postlewaite and Samuel A. Donaldson

Determining Treaty Eligibility for Hybrid Entities and Their Owners, Philip F. Postlewaite, Samuel A. Donaldson, and Allison D. Christians

Advancements in Wireless for the Disabled, Bill Prigge

Broadband Availability, Bill Prigge

Converging Telecommunications, Bill Prigge