
Publications from 1976

Board Member and Administrator Liability Since Wood v. Strickland, L. Lynn Hogue

Personal Liability of Governing Board Members: New Developments in the Law, L. Lynn Hogue

Course Materials on the Law of Socialist Countries, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Florida Land Use Restrictions: Legislative Restrictions, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and James Wadley

Advertising: From Pharmacists to Lawyers?, Ellen S. Podgor

Symbolic Speech, Ellen S. Podgor

Publications from 1975

Book Review, Land Use Planning , James L. Bross


Circling the Squares of Euclidean Zoning: Zoning Predestination and Planning Free Will, James L. Bross

Improving Land Records Systems in North Carolina: A Report to the Special Committee for Modernization of Land Records of North Carolina Bar Association, William A. Campbell and L. Lynn Hogue


Domestic International Sales Corporations (Part I), George J. Carey

How to Handle Producer's Loans, George J. Carey and Robert Feinshreiber

An Analysis of Alternatives to Incarceration in Georgia : A Special Research Project, Anne S. Emanuel

Bankruptcy Reform Act, Part 1, Marjorie L. Girth

Bankruptcy Reform Act, Part 2, Marjorie L. Girth


Prospects for Structural Reform of the Bankruptcy System, Marjorie L. Girth

The Admissions Process at the University of Tulsa College of Law: An Update, William A. Gregory and Georgina B. Landman

Nicholas Trott: Man of Law and Letters, L. Lynn Hogue

Study for the 70s: Indian Trail, Stallings, Annexation, Merger, L. Lynn Hogue


Water Law and Water Resources in Eastern Africa, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and James Wadley

The Voting Game, Steven J. Kaminshine

Recent Development, First Amendment, Ellen S. Podgor

Agriculture and Changing Legal Concepts in an Urbanized Society, James C. Wershow and Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Publications from 1974

Artists' Property Rights, James L. Bross

Cases and Materials on Property, James L. Bross

Neighborhood Land Use Handbook, James L. Bross

How to Handle Pricing Situations Not Covered in the Proposed DISC Regulations, George J. Carey


Class Actions under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act: The Question is Why Not?, Anne S. Emanuel

The Public Purpose Doctrine as It Relates to Development Rights, William A. Gregory

Kids and Cops: Law Enforcement Services for Children in North Carolina, L. Lynn Hogue and Mason P. Thomas Jr.

Privilege License Taxation of Dogs and Other Pets, L. Lynn Hogue and Garrett Walker

Limiting Population Growth in Florida and the Nation: The Constitutional Issues, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and K. Lawrence Gragg


The Common Lands Concept: A "Commons" Solution to a Common Environmental Problem, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and James Wadley

Lawlessness in Our Criminal Law: Criminal Sentences and the Need for Appellate Review, Marjorie F. Knowles

Publications from 1973

Administrative and Financial Laws for Local Government in North Carolina, L. Lynn Hogue

Comparative Materials on Land, Natural Resources and Environment Law, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

The Common Lands Concept in Contemporary American Jurisprudence, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Foundation Grants to Women's Groups, Marjorie F. Knowles

Publications from 1972

DISC Intercompany Pricing Rules: Section 994 and the Proposed Regulations, George J. Carey and Nathan G. Fink

Requisite Greed: The Section 183 Regulations, George J. Carey and Thomas J. Gallagher Jr.

An Edition of "Eight Charges Delivered at So Many Several General Sessions & Gaol Deliveries: Held at Charles Town ... in the Years 1703, 1704, 1705, 1706, 1707 ... by Nicholas Trott Esq., Chief Justice of the Province of South Carolina", L. Lynn Hogue

Book Review, Close Corporations: Law & Practice, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

The Tennessee Water Quality Control Act of 1971: A Significant New Environmental Statute, Julian C. Juergensmeyer


Legal Aspects of Environmental Control in Mexico: An Analysis of Mexico's New Environmental Law, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and Earle Blizzard

Le Droit International Des Affaires, Charles A. Marvin

The Justification of the Law, Charles A. Marvin

Publications from 1971

Law Reform Man Meets the Slumlord: New Remedies and Old Buildings, James L. Bross

A Comparative View of the Legal Aspects of Pollution Control, Julian C. Juergensmeyer


Common Law Remedies and Protection of the Environment, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

The American Legal System and Environmental Pollution, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

The Legal Control of Pollution in the United States, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Legal Aspects of Environmental Preservation and Control, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and Harry Laughran

The Author's Status in the United Kingdom and France: Common Law and the Moral Right Doctrine, Charles A. Marvin

Bankruptcy: Problem, Process, Reform, David T. Stanley and Marjorie L. Girth

Publications from 1970

Le Systeme Juridique Americain et La Lutte Contre La Pollution De L'environnement, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Publications from 1969

Model Wage Earner Receivership Statute, William A. Gregory and Michael F. Connell

Publications from 1968

Tenants' Remedies in the District of Columbia: New Hope for Reform, James L. Bross

Note, Criminal Law - Statutory Offenses - Vagrancy Laws Invalid as Too Vague and as Improper Exercise of Police Power, Mark E. Budnitz

Criminal Law - Cruel and Unusual Punishment - Juveniles - Waiver - Sentencing - Workman v. Commonwealth, 429 S.W. 2d 374 (Ky. 1968), George J. Carey

Legislation to Preserve and Control Open Space Land, William A. Gregory and Diane G. Vanwyck

Book Review, The River Basin in History & Law, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 71A (h) Land Commission: The First Fifteen Years, Julian C. Juergensmeyer


Air Pollution Control in Indiana in 1968: A Comment, Anita L. Morse and Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Publications from 1967

Book Review, How to Avoid Probate, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Control of Air Pollution Through the Assertion of Private Rights, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Statutory Construction - Effect of an Invalid Amendment on a Prior Statute, Elton Ray Lanier

Publications from 1964

African Presidentialism: A Comparison of the 'Executive' under Constitutions of the Federation of Nigeria, the Federal Republics of the Congo and Cameroon, and the Republics of Ghana, Chad, Congo, and the Entente, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Publications from 1963

International Joint Venture Corporations: Drafting of Control Arrangements, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Publications from 1962

International Law: The Waiver of Sovereign Immunity, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

World Law, the Lawless Case, Julian C. Juergensmeyer