
Publications from 1989

1988 Supreme Court Term: What's Left of the Bill of Rights?, Ellen S. Podgor

Book Review, Rules, Predictability and Legal Secrets , Ellen S. Podgor


Tax Fraud - Mail Fraud: Synonymous, Cumulative or Diverse?, Ellen S. Podgor

Caveat Vendor: Broker-Dealer Liability under the Securities Exchange Act, Charity Scott

The Ethics of Advertising by Georgia Lawyers: Survey and Analysis, Roy M. Sobelson

Creditors' Rights in Georgia, Corneill A. Stephens

Part I: Georgia Civil Practice and Procedure, Corneill A. Stephens

Professional Ethics, Social Morality: A Reply to Professor Hazard, Patrick Wiseman

When the End Justifies the Means: Understanding Takings Jurisprudence in a Legal System with Integrity, Patrick Wiseman

Publications from 1988

Columns, Ronald W. Blasi

The Banking Industry, Ronald W. Blasi


A Linguistic Analysis of the Meanings of "Search" in the Fourth Amendment: A Search for Common Sense, Clark D. Cunningham


Professional Responsibility, Clark D. Cunningham

The Concurrent Sentence Doctrine Dies a Quiet Death -- or are the Reports Greatly Exaggerated?, Anne S. Emanuel

Contributor, Marjorie L. Girth

Book Review, Florida Legislative Histories: A Practical Guide to Their Preparation and Use , Nancy P. Johnson

An Introduction to the Inaugural Issue, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

A Standard Development Impact Fee Enabling Statute, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Evolution et Perspectives du Droit de l'Environnement aux Etats-Unis, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Judicial Standing of Environmental Associations under American Law, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Le Controle Juridiques Des Mouvements Transfrontieres De Dechets Toxiques Aux Etats-Unis D'amerique, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

The Development of Regulatory Impact Fees: The Legal Issues, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

The Legal Issues of Capital Facilities Funding, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

A Model Impact Fee Authorization Statute, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and James C. Nicholas

Solange, Farewell: The Federal German Constitutional Court and the Recognition of the Court of Justice of the European Communities as Lawful Judge, E. R. Lanier

The Attorney-Client Privilege: The Common Law and Georgia's Uncommon Statutes, Paul S. Milich


Criminal Misconduct: Ethical Rule Usage Leads to Regulation of the Legal Profession, Ellen S. Podgor


Wimberly and Beyond: Analyzing the Refusal to Award Unemployment Compensation to Women Who Terminate Prior Employment Due to Pregnancy, Mary F. Radford

A Broker-Dealer's Civil Liability for Fraud: An Implied Private Right of Action Under Section 15(c)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Charity Scott

A New Look at an Old Section of the Securities Exchange Act, Charity Scott

Ethical Issues in Civil Trial Advocacy, Roy M. Sobelson

Lawyers, Clients and Assurances of Confidentiality: Lawyers Talking without Speaking, Clients Hearing Without Listening, Roy M. Sobelson

The Economics of Recruiting, Harold Weston


Deferring to the Judgment of Mental Health and Related Professionals in Striking the Constitutional Balance between Individual Liberty and the Interests of the State, Patrick Wiseman

First English's Regulatory Takings Analysis: Is Compensation for a Landowners Temporary Frustration of Economic Expectations Justified?, Patrick Wiseman

Successful Mediating, Douglas H. Yarn

Three Construction Mediations, Douglas H. Yarn

Publications from 1987

Current Developments - Real Property, James L. Bross

Probate & Property, James L. Bross

Fees of Professionals and Expenses of Members Appointed to Official Committees in Chapter 11 Cases, Mark E. Budnitz

Public Interest Litigation in the Supreme Court of India: A Study in Light of the American Experience, Clark D. Cunningham

Women's Issues: A New Beginning for Erie County: Report by the Erie County Task Force on the Status of Women, Erie County Task Force on the Status of Women and Marjorie L. Girth

Recent Developments in Urban Environment Law, Janice C. Griffith

The Federal Guarantee of Municipal Debt: Will Federalism Survive, Janice C. Griffith

Comparable Worth in Libraries: A Legal Analysis, Nancy P. Johnson

Presente Y Futuro Del Derecho Ambiental En Los Estados Unidos De Norteamerica, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Recent Developments in U.S. Law Affecting the International Trade of Agricultural Products and Pesticides, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

La Legislation Sur Les Pesticides Aux Etats-Unis, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and Robert Findley

The Attorney-Client Privilege: Can It Stand Its Ground Against New Government Intrusions?, Mark J. Kadish


Miscegenation, Eugenics, and Racism: Historical Footnotes to Loving v. Virginia, Paul A. Lombardo

Why We Teach Law Students to Mediate, Kathleen W. Marcel and Patrick Wiseman

Preliminary Report to the State Bar of Georgia Evidence Study Committee Comparing Georgia Law with the Federal Rules of Evidence, Paul S. Milich

Parental Leave: Judicial and Legislative Trends; Current Practices in the Workplace, Mary F. Radford

Bar Has a Duty to Provide Representation for the Poor, Roy M. Sobelson

Trust Account Rules for Georgia Lawyers, Roy M. Sobelson


A Regulatory Model for Genetic Testing in Employment, Jack F. Williams

Denial of Treatment to Handicapped Newborns: In Whose Interest?, Patrick Wiseman

Proposed Changes in the Arbitration Law of Georgia, Douglas H. Yarn

Publications from 1986

Supreme Court Provides Guideline for Taxing of Federal Securities by States, Ronald W. Blasi and C. James Judson

Judicial Review of Georgia Zoning: Cyclones and Doldrums in the Windmills of the Mind, James L. Bross, J. S. Altman, and P. Bolster

Tax Aspects of Divorce and Separation and the Innocent Spouse Rules, George J. Carey

The Campaign to Iodize Salt, Colin Crawford

Personal Bankruptcy Options in the United States, Marjorie L. Girth

San Francisco's Downtown Development Plan-Blueprint for the 1990s?, Janice C. Griffith and Joseph Z. Fleming

Regulating Business Activity by Means of the Substantive Due Process and Equal Protection Doctrines under the Georgia Constitution: An Analysis and a Proposal, L. Lynn Hogue

Legal Research Exercises Following the Bluebook, Nancy P. Johnson

Agriculture & the Environment: An International & Comparative Law Perspective - An Introduction, Julian C. Juergensmeyer


Implementing Agricultural Preservation Programs: A Time to Consider Some Radical Approach?, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Perspectives on Florida's Growth Management Act of 1985, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

A Comparative View of United States and Mexican Environmental Laws, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and Baldwin

Urban Planning and Land Development Control Law, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and Donald G. Hagman

Current Developments in International Trade Law, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and T. Clay Phillips


Parents, Psychologists and Child Custody Disputes: Protecting the Privilege and the Children, Marjorie F. Knowles and Caroline Chunn McCarthy

The Legal Environment of International Business, E. R. Lanier

Eugenics, Paul A. Lombardo

The Arbitrability of Claims Arising Under Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act: Should Wilko Be Extended?, John G. Malcolm and Eric J. Segall

Bleak House Faces Red Dawn: The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Balanced Budget Act, Charles A. Marvin

Prosecutorial Vindictiveness - Indiana's Newest Criminal Defense, Ellen S. Podgor

Exclusion and Exemption in Bankruptcy of Debtor's Interests in ERISA-Qualified Retirement Plans, Mary F. Radford

Georgia Inheritance Rights of Children Born Out of Wedlock, Mary F. Radford

The Availability of Retirement Plan Benefits to Creditors in Bankruptcy: Analyzing the Conflict Between ERISA and the Bankruptcy Code, Mary F. Radford

Blood Transfusions and AIDS: A Legal Perspective, Jack F. Williams

The Differential Treatment of Men and Women by Artificial Reproduction Statutes, Jack F. Williams

International Protection of Intellectual Property Rights under the United States Trade Laws, Douglas H. Yarn

Publications from 1985

Sweeping Changes in Tax Treatment of Fringe Benefits Create Opportunities and Problems, Ronald W. Blasi

Understanding the New Fringe Benefit Law, Ronald W. Blasi

Avoiding Disallowance of Earmarked Charitable Contributions, Ronald W. Blasi and Richard A. Denesha

Integrating Taxes in Bank Resource Allocation, Ronald W. Blasi and R. L. Hagerman

The Franchise Tax Exception to the Federal Exemption Statute, Ronald W. Blasi and Daniel P. Joyce

Illuminating a Gray Area: Prejudgment Attachment in Arkansas After Springdale Farms, Inc. v. McIlroy Bank & Trust, Cassady V. Brewer

State Building Codes: Firm Ceilings, Hard Floors or Shaky Foundations for Local Construction and Rehabilitation Standards, James L. Bross

The Inspector General Act in the Federal Government: A New Approach to Accountability, Marjorie J. Gates and Marjorie F. Knowles

Enforcing the Full Faith and Credit Clause: Congress Legislates Finality for Child Custody Decrees, L. Lynn Hogue

Funding Infrastructure: Paying the Cost of Growth Through Impact Fees and Other Land Regulation Changes, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

An Overview of Trade and Investment Regulations for the Far East: Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, E. R. Lanier

State Incentives for International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in the United States, E. R. Lanier

Settlement of Poe v. Lynchburg Ends Sterilization Era, Paul A. Lombardo


Three Generations, No Imbeciles: New Light on Buck v. Bell, Paul A. Lombardo

New Dimensions in International Trade Law: A Canadian Perspective, Charles A. Marvin

Property and the Rule of Law, Charles A. Marvin