
Publications from 1992

Counting Creditors under Code § 303(b): The Tale of the Ubiquitous Such, Jack F. Williams

Creditors' Rights and Bankruptcy, Jack F. Williams and Pamela Williams

Georgia Alternative Dispute Resolution: Practice And Procedure In Georgia, Douglas H. Yarn

Publications from 1991

Renegotiated Debt: The Search for Standards, Harold L. Adrion and Ronald W. Blasi

Georgia, James L. Bross

The Duties Imposed by Bankruptcy Courts upon Mortgagees at Foreclosure Sales: How to Avoid Avoidance under Section 548, Mark E. Budnitz

Legal and Practical Consequences of the Commercial Use of Human Cells and Tissue, Sylvia B. Caley, L. Reinbacher, P. F.W. Strengers, and B. Cohen

Effects of Bond Act Defeat, Colin Crawford

Permits for Stormwater Discharge to Be Required, Colin Crawford

Trends in the Regulation of Lead (two-Part Article), Colin Crawford

Why American Lawyers Should Go to India: Retracing Galanter's Intellectual Odyssey, Clark D. Cunningham

Discovering a Defendant's Statement to His Insurance Company's Claims Adjuster, Andrea A. Curcio and Donald H. Beskind

Making Slip and Fall Jury Instructions Less Slippery, Andrea A. Curcio and Donald H. Beskind

Book Review, Law, Culture, & Values: Essays in Honor of Gray L. Dorsey, William A. Edmundson

The Georgia Trust Act, Anne S. Emanuel

Assaying the Dross in the Gold Club Case: Some Thoughts on Substantive Due Process and Georgia's Barroom Sex Law, L. Lynn Hogue

In Patent Suits; For Now, States Have Immunity, Constance S. Huttner and Michael B. Landau

Winning Research Skills, Nancy P. Johnson

Environmental Protection in Post-Socialist Eastern Europe: The Polish Example, Julian C. Juergensmeyer, Michael Kulesza, and Ewa Gmurzynska

New Rights for the Disabled: The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Steven J. Kaminshine

The Patentability of Animals: Multicellular Vertebrate Mammals as "Patentable Subject Matter", Michael Landau

Book Review, Mrs. Packard’s Revenge, Paul Lombardo

Public Health or AIDS Hysteria?: Helms's Proposal, Paul A. Lombardo


Re-Examining Hearsay under the Federal Rules: Some Method for the Madness, Paul S. Milich

A Practitioner's Guide to Development Impact Fees, James C. Nicholas, Arthur C. Nelson, and Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Book Review, Judicial Activism in Perspective , Ellen S. Podgor

Book Review, Resolving Ethical Dilemmas in the Gray Area , Ellen S. Podgor

Book Review, The Bill of Rights Gets the Personal Touch, Ellen S. Podgor

Book Review, The Bill of Rights in Technicolor , Ellen S. Podgor

Forward: Speech, Press, Religion & Assembly: Now and Tomorrow, Ellen S. Podgor

And God Created Woman - But to be a Criminal Defense Attorney?, Ellen S. Podgor and Leonard Pertnoy

Bias v. Difference: An Analysis for Those Who Just Don't Get It, Ellen S. Podgor and Leonard Pertnoy

Justices Widen Sherman Act's Application to Hospital Policy, Charity Scott

Medical Peer Review, Antitrust, and the Effect of Statutory Reform, Charity Scott

Parochial School Aid Revisited: The Lemon Test, the Endorsement Test and Religious Liberty, Eric J. Segall

Interviewing Clients Ethically, Roy M. Sobelson

Professionalism Page, Roy M. Sobelson

On Ending the Battle of the Forms: Problems with Solutions, Corneill A. Stephens

Leases, Robert D. Strauss, Ellen Taylor, and Stephen T. Whelan


Revisiting the Proper Limits of Fraudulent Transfer Law, Jack F. Williams

Publications from 1990

Ineffective and Inequitable: The Section 265(a) Interest Disallowance, Ronald W. Blasi and C. James Judson

Bankrecht in Einem Weltweiten Bankenmarkt, Ronald W. Blasi and Uwe H. Schneider

Chapter 11 Business Reorganizations and Shareholder Meetings: Will the Meeting Please Come to Order, or Should the Meeting Be Cancelled Altogether?, Mark E. Budnitz


The Consequences of Bulk in Our Banking Diet: Bulk Filing of Checks and the Bank's Duty of Ordinary Care under the 1990 Revision to the Uniform Commercial Code When It Honors Forged Checks, Mark E. Budnitz

Are You Your Child's Keeper, Andrea A. Curcio and Donald H. Beskind

Are Law and Morality Distinct?, William A. Edmundson

Book Review, Lawyers' Justice, William A. Edmundson

Liberalism, Legal Decisionmaking, and Morality "As Such", William A. Edmundson

The 'Race-Of-The-Victim' Effect in Capital Sentencing: McClesky v. Kemp and Underadjustment Bias, William A. Edmundson

Local Government Contracts: Escaping From the Governmental/Proprietary Maze, Janice C. Griffith


The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act and the Problem of Jurisdiction in Interstate Adoption: An Easy Fix, Bernadette W. Hartfield

Identifying Customary International Law of War in Protocol I: A Proposed Restatement, L. Lynn Hogue

Organizing & Advising California Nonprofit Corporations, T. Hone and Paul Lombardo

Debt for Nature Swaps: A Modest but Meaningful Response to Two International Crises, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and James C. Nicholas

The Cost of Older Workers, Disparate Impact and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Steven J. Kaminshine


Malice in Wonderland: Fictionalized Quotations and the Constitutionally Compelled Substantial Truth Doctrine, Neil J. Kinkopf

Colourization, Copyright and Moral Rights: A U.S. Perspective, Michael Landau

First-to-File or First-to-Invent: The Unique Policy of the United States in Determining Priority of Patent Ownership, Michael B. Landau

"Works Made for Hire" After Community for Creative Non-Violence v. Reid: The Need for Statutory Reform and the Importance of Contract, Michael B. Landau

Long Arm, Short Reach: The Dilemma of Georgia's Long Arm Statute, E. R. Lanier

The Changing Relationship of Subject Matter Jurisdiction and Venue in Georgia Civil Practice, E. R. Lanier

BioLaw - A Legal and Ethical Reporter on Medicine, Health Care, and Bioengineering, Paul A. Lombardo

Developments in Mental Health Law, Paul A. Lombardo

Exodus and the Struggle for Deliverance: Guatemalan Refugees in Mexico, Timothy Lytton

A Federal Ombudsman for Canada, Charles A. Marvin

Critical Elements of Development Impact Fee Programs, Arthur C. Nelson, James C. Nicholas, and Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Growing Trend Toward Limiting Capacity to Protect Compilations, Kenneth A. Plevan and Michael B. Landau

Prosecutorial Misconduct: Alive and Well and Living in Indiana?, Ellen S. Podgor and Jeffrey Weiner

Implied Exceptions to the ERISA Prohibitions Against the Forfeiture and Alienation of Retirement Plan Interests, Mary F. Radford

Sex Stereotyping and the Promotion of Women to Positions of Power, Mary F. Radford

Licensee Standing to Prosecute in Trademark Infringement and Unfair Competition Claims, Susan R. Reiss and Michael B. Landau

The Law of Agency and Partnership, Harold Gill Reuschlein and William A. Gregory

The Law of Agency and Partnership: Student Edition, Harold Gill Reuschlein and William A. Gregory

Legal Interviewing & Counseling, Roy M. Sobelson

Narrowing the Gap'-Hither How? GSU's Response to the Task Force Report, Roy M. Sobelson

Chs. 1-9, 63-67, Corneill A. Stephens


Application of the Cash Collateral Paradigm to the Preservation of the Right to Setoff in Bankruptcy, Jack F. Williams

Confessions of a Practicing Neutral, Douglas H. Yarn

Publications from 1989

Bank Taxation, Ronald W. Blasi

Core Deposit Amortization, Ronald W. Blasi

Banking Institutions, Ronald W. Blasi and C. James Judson

Legal Framework for Organ Donation and Transplantation, Sylvia B. Caley

A Tale of Two Clients: Thinking About Law as Language, Clark D. Cunningham

Legal Ethics in a Gandhian Perspective, Clark D. Cunningham

The Guilty But Mentally Ill Plea and Verdict: An Eighth Amendment Analysis, Anne S. Emanuel

The Role of Empirical Data in Developing Bankruptcy Legislation for Individuals, Marjorie L. Girth

Federalism: The Shifting Balance, Janice C. Griffith

Marriage and Children, Bernadette W. Hartfield


The Role of the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children in Interstate Adoption, Bernadette W. Hartfield


Schlemmer v. Fireman's Fund Insurance Co.: A Case for Rethinking Arkansas' Choice-Of-Law Rule for Interstate Torts, L. Lynn Hogue

Legal Research Exercises Following the Bluebook, Nancy P. Johnson and Lynn Foster

Koncepcje Planowania Socialistycznego a Prawne Uregulowanie Zagadnienia Srodowiska Naturalnego W Krajach Zachodnich, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

La Pollution Atmospherique Transfrontiere En Amerique Du Nord: Un Point De Vue Americain, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

La Regionalisation et L'environnement Aux Etats-Unis, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Workers' Compensation in Georgia, Steven J. Kaminshine

The Colorization of Black-and-White Motion Pictures: A Grey Area in the Law, Michael Landau

The Colorization of Black-and-White Motion Pictures: A Grey Area in the Law, Michael B. Landau

Forward into the Past: Georgia's 'New' Statutory Tort of Abusive Litigation, E. R. Lanier

Post-Yosties: The New Statutory Tort of Abusive Litigation, E. R. Lanier

Civil Trial Procedure, Paul S. Milich