
Publications from 2002


Professor Frank R. Kennedy, Jack F. Williams

Who Owns the Back of a Baseball Card? A Baseball Player's Rights in His Performance Statistics, Jack F. Williams

Lessons Virtually Learned, Patrick Wiseman

The Challenges of IRB Review and Human Subjects Protections in Practice-Based Research, Leslie E. Wolf, Mary Croughan, and Bernard Lo

An Introduction to Ethics in a World of Mandatory Arbitration, Douglas H. Yarn

Ethical Duties and Best Practices When Engaging a Mediator, Douglas H. Yarn

Transnational Conflict Resolution Practice: A Brief Introduction to the Context, Issues, and Search for Best Practice in Exporting Conflict Resolution, Douglas H. Yarn


Transnational Conflict Resolution Practice: A Brief Introduction to the Context, Issues, and Search for Best Practice in Exporting Conflict Resolution, Douglas H. Yarn

Publications from 2001

Data Wars: How Superseding Forsham v. Harris Impacts the Federal Grant Award Process, Elizabeth G. Adelman

The New Drug Buyer: The Changing Definition of the Consumer for Antitrust Enforcement in the Pharmaceutical Industry, W Edward Afield

A Survey of Federal Agency Response to President Clinton's Executive Order No. 12898 on Environmental Justice, Denis Binder, Colin Crawford, Eileen Gauna, M. Casey Jarman, Alice Kaswan, Bradford C. Mank, Catherine O'Neill, Clifford L. Rechtschaffen, and Robert R. M. Verchick

Impact of Conformity Election Remains Unclear, Ronald W. Blasi

Consumer Banking and Payments Law, Mark E. Budnitz

Ensuring the Future, Mark E. Budnitz

An Innocent Carrier of Tuberculosis, Colin Crawford

Using Social Science Methods to Improve Lawyer-Client Communication, Clark D. Cunningham

Using Real-Life Context and Writing Exercises in Substantive Courses, Andrea A. Curcio

2001 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

Body and Soul in the Year 2020: Moral and Ethical Considerations in Our Biological Future, Entered in the Greenwall Foundation Oscar M. Ruebhausen Award Competition, William A. Edmundson

Book Review, Equality, Responsibility, and the Law, William A. Edmundson

Biographical Sketch of Judge Tuttle, Anne S. Emanuel

The Law of Agency and Partnership, William A. Gregory

Smart Governance for Smart Growth: The Need for Regional Government, Janice C. Griffith


The Dean's Role in Managing Technology, Janice C. Griffith

Hogue v. Neal, L. Lynn Hogue

Legal Research Exercises Following the Bluebook, Nancy P. Johnson and Susan Phillips

Electronic Signatures and Records: Permitting the Use of Electronic Signatures and Records Even When a Statute, Regulation, or Other Rule of Law Specifies a Non-Electronic Type of Signature or Record, Gregory Todd Jones

Jury Representation in Grand and Traverse Jury Arrays, State v. Brewer, Georgia Superior Court, Dalton, GA, Gregory Todd Jones

Sexual Offender Registry: Providing for the Registration of First Offenders and Those that Plead Nolo Contendere, Requiring Additional Information with Respect to Such Registration, and Insuring the Allocation of Federal Funding for Law Enforcement, Gregory Todd Jones

The Effect of Inflation Adjustments to Georgia's Bankruptcy Exemption Provisions, Gregory Todd Jones

Foreword: An Introduction to Urban Sprawl, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Delegation, Immigration and Property Rights, Neil Kinkopf

A More Nuanced View of the Director's Role, Marjorie F. Knowles

Has the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Really Created a New Exclusive Right of Access?: Attempting to Reach a Balance Between Users' and Content Providers' Rights, Michael Landau

Electronic Rights, Revisions, and Copyright Law, Michael B. Landau

Questions and Answers About the Napster Case, Michael B. Landau

The DMCA's Chilling Effect on Encryption Research, Michael B. Landau

The Importance of Electronic Rights Revisited, Michael B. Landau

The Importance of Electronic Rights Revisited, Michael B. Landau

A Matter of Days, Paul A. Lombardo

Book Review, Tuskegee's Truths: Rethinking the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Paul A. Lombardo

Carrie Buck's Pedigree, Paul A. Lombardo

Pedigrees, Propaganda, Paranoia: Family Studies in a Historical Context, Paul A. Lombardo

Computer Crime, Ellen S. Podgor


Do We Need a Beanie Baby Fraud Statute?, Ellen S. Podgor

FBI's Undisclosed McVeigh Files are Part of Larger Problem, Ellen S. Podgor

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mediation in Probate, Trust, and Guardianship Matters, Mary F. Radford


Is the Use of Mediation Appropriate in Adult Guardianship Cases?, Mary F. Radford

Wills, Trusts and Administration of Estates (2000-2001 Developments), Mary F. Radford

Symbolism Under Siege: Japanese American Redress and the "Racing" of Arab Americans as "Terrorists", Natsu Taylor Saito

Twenty Questions (Or the Hardest Course in Law School), Eric J. Segall

Respect, Responsibility, and the Virtue of Introspection: An Essay on Professionalism in the Law School Environment, Barry Sullivan and Ellen S. Podgor


Student Scholarship, In One Place, But Not Another: When the Law Encourages Breastfeeding in Public While Simultaneously Discouraging It at Work, Emily F. Suski


Tortious Interference and the Law of Contract: The Case for Specific Performance Revisited, Deepa Varadarajan

The Insured's Duty to Read the Policy, Harold Weston

Educator's Liability Insurance, Harold A. Weston

Lawyers' Professional Liability Insurance, Harold A. Weston

Bifurcation for Claim Filing Purposes of a Corporate Tax Year that Straddles the Petition Date, Jack F. Williams

Debunking the Myth Engulfing Article 9 Collateral Dispositions, Jack F. Williams

Integrating American Indian Law Into the Commercial Law and Bankruptcy Curriculum, Jack F. Williams

Means-Testing Primer, Jack F. Williams

Ruminating on the Proposed Bankruptcy Bill, Jack F. Williams

Significant Business Bankruptcy Provisions in Pending Legislation, Jack F. Williams

Valuation Tenets in Bankruptcy, Jack F. Williams


When Parents Reject Interventions to Reduce Postnatal Human Immunodeficiency Virus Transmission, Leslie E. Wolf


Ethical Dimensions of HIV Treatment and Research, Leslie E. Wolf and Bernard Lo

Ethics 2000: The ABA Proposes New Ethics Rules for Lawyer-Neutrals and Attorneys in ADR, Douglas H. Yarn

Lawyer Ethics in ADR and the Recommendations of Ethics 2000 to Revise the Model Rules of Professional Conduct: Considerations for Adoption and State Application, Douglas H. Yarn

Publications from 2000

Smart Growth in Georgia: Micro-Smart and Macro-Stupid, James L. Bross

Consumer ADR in the Borderless Online Marketplace, Mark E. Budnitz

Consumer Privacy in Electronic Commerce: As the Millennium Approached, Minnesota Attacked, Regulators Refrained, and Congress Compromised, Mark E. Budnitz

Consumers Surfing for Sales in Cyberspace: What Constitutes Acceptance and What Legal Terms and Conditions Bind the Consumer?, Mark E. Budnitz

Developments in Consumer Arbitration Case Law: 1997 - April 2000, Mark E. Budnitz

Privacy Rules: Areas of Concern and Controversy, Mark E. Budnitz

The Truth About the New Value Exception to Bankruptcy's Absolute Priority Rule, David Gray Carlson and Jack F. Williams

A School Born Out of the Dumps, Colin Crawford

Business Volunteers Renew Their Efforts to Help San Diego Agencies Curb Costs, Colin Crawford

Criminal Penalties for Creating a Toxic Environment: Mens Rea, Environmental Criminal Liability Standards, and the Neurotoxicity Hypothesis, Colin Crawford

Low-Tech Waste Plan Wins Fans -- and Raises a Stink, Colin Crawford

Networks Look to Help Charities Link with Giving Entrepreneurs, Colin Crawford

San Diego Farming Finds It Can Thrive Without Beach Front, Colin Crawford

Courtroom Visits as a Way to Learn Evidence, Andrea A. Curcio

Price Waterhouse: Alive and Well Under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, H. Lane Dennard Jr. and Kendall Kerew

2000 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

An Introduction to Federal Wealth Transfer Tax, Samuel A. Donaldson

Effective Uses of "Defective" Grantor Trusts, Samuel A. Donaldson

Pre-Death Planning Opportunities for Taxable Estates, Samuel A. Donaldson

Succession and Estate Planning for the Small Business and Owner, Samuel A. Donaldson

The Best Arrow in the Quiver: Qualified Personal Residence Trusts in Contemporary Estate Planning, Samuel A. Donaldson

UB's Women in Law: Overcoming Barriers During Their First Hundred Years, Marjorie L. Girth

Judicial Funding and Taxation Mandates: Will Missouri v. Jenkins Survive under the New Federalism Restraints, Janice C. Griffith

The Preservation of Community Green Space: Is Georgia Ready to Combat Sprawl with Smart Growth, Janice C. Griffith

Winning Research Skills, Nancy P. Johnson

Sum & Substance Quick Review, Property, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Symposium Dialogue: Guns and Liability in America, David Kairys, Andrew J. McClurg, Timothy D. Lytton, John R. Lott, Anne Giddings Kimball, Robert R. Simpson, Jerry J. Phillips, Carl T. Bogus, Anthony J. Sebok, and Jeremy G. Zimmermann

Kennedy, Countryman, & Williams, Partnerships, Limited Liability Entities, and S Corporations in Bankruptcy, Frank R. Kennedy and Jack F. Williams

Book Review, The Progressive Dilemma, Neil J. Kinkopf

Foreword: The Constitution under Clinton, Neil J. Kinkopf

The Constitution under Clinton: A Critical Assessment, Neil J. Kinkopf


The Scope of 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors' after the Impeachment of President Clinton, Neil J. Kinkopf