
Publications from 2002

Book Review, Objectivity in Law and Morals, William A. Edmundson

Civility as Political Constraint, William A. Edmundson

Contextualist Answers to Skepticism, and What a Lawyer Cannot Know, William A. Edmundson

Social Meaning, Compliance Conditions, and Laws Claim to Authority, William A. Edmundson

Speeding: A Sprawling Offense?, William A. Edmundson

Death Penalty: It's Inaccurate, Unfair, Ineffective, Anne S. Emanuel

Forming the Historic Fifth Circuit: The Eisenhower Years, Anne S. Emanuel


The Tuttle Trilogy: Habeas Corpus and Human Rights, Anne S. Emanuel

Unincorporated Business Associations, Including Agency, Partnership, and Limited Liability Companies: Cases and Materials, William A. Gregory and Thomas R. Hurst

State and Local Revenue Enhancement and Taxation Policies in a Digital Age: E-Commerce, Taxation, Business Tax Incentives, and Litigation Generated Revenues, Janice C. Griffith

Recent Trends in Higher Education: Accountability, Efficiency, Technology, and Governance, Janice C. Griffith and John L. Lahey

Interacting with Others: A Major Life Activity under the Americans with Disabilities Act?, Wendy F. Hensel

Researching Federal Legislative History, Nancy P. Johnson

Winning Research Skills, Nancy P. Johnson

Disinterment and DNA Testing: Providing for Court Orders for Disinterment and DNA Testing in Certain Cases Where the Kinship of Any Party in Interest to a Decedent is in Controversy, Gregory Todd Jones

Testing for Structural Change in Legal Doctrine: An Empirical Look at the Plaintiffs Decision to Litigate Employment Discrimination Disputes a Decade after the Civil Rights Act of 1991, Gregory Todd Jones

The Truth About a War Economy, Gregory Todd Jones

Sample Data as Evidence: Meeting the Requirements of Daubert and the Recently Amended Federal Rules of Evidence, Gregory Todd Jones and Reidar Hagtvedt

Impact Fees Should Not Be Subjected to Takings Analysis, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and James C. Nicholas


Deliberative Democracy and Campaign Finance Reform, Neil J. Kinkopf

Researching New Mexico State Administrative Materials, Barbara Lah and Ronald E. Wheeler

Digital Downloads, Access Codes, and US Copyright Law, Michael B. Landau

Digital Downloads, Copy Codes, and Other New Developments in U.S. Copyright Law, Michael B. Landau

The DMCA and Access Rights, Michael B. Landau


The First Amendment and "Virtual" Child Pornography, Michael B. Landau


The Wendland Case - Withdrawing Life Support from Incompetent Patients Who Are Not Terminally Ill, Bernard Lo, Laurie Dornbrand, Leslie E. Wolf, and Michelle Groman

Book Review, A Life of Sir Francis Galton: From African Exploration to the Birth of Eugenics, Paul A. Lombardo

"The American Breed": Nazi Eugenics and the Origin of the Pioneer Fund, Paul A. Lombardo

Neither Side Right on Grunow Suit's Impact, Timothy D. Lytton

"Shall Not the Judge of the World Do Justly?": Accountability, Compassion, and Judicial Authority in the Biblical Story of Sodom and Gomorrah, Timothy D. Lytton


Should Government Be Allowed to Recover the Costs of Public Services from Tortfeasors?: Tort Subsidies, the Limits of Loss Spreading, and the Free Public Services Doctrine, Timothy D. Lytton

Florida's Downtowns: The Key to Smart Growth, Urban Revitalization, and Green Space Preservation, John Travis Marshall

Georgia Rules of Evidence, Paul S. Milich

On Apology and Consilience, Erin Ann O'Hara and Douglas Yarn

Book Review, The International Dimensions of Cyberspace Law , Ellen S. Podgor

Computer Crimes and the USA PATRIOT Act, Ellen S. Podgor

Don't Criminalize Catholic Church or Anderson, Ellen S. Podgor


International Computer Fraud: A Paradigm for Limiting National Jurisdiction, Ellen S. Podgor

White Collar Cooperators: The Government in Employer-Employee Relationships, Ellen S. Podgor

Government Made E-Asy, Bill Prigge

Keeping Tabs on Security Initiatives, Bill Prigge

Meeting of Minds - Partners in Technology, Bill Prigge

Step Right Up for Technology Tour, Bill Prigge

Technology's Softer Side - Electronic House Calls and Smart Homes, Bill Prigge

Technology Transfer - Eight That Made It From Lab to Market, Bill Prigge

Affirmative Action in American Employment Law: Past, Present & Future, Mary F. Radford

Wills, Trusts and Administration of Estates, Mary F. Radford

Asserting Plenary Power Over the "Other": Indians, Immigrants, Colonial Subjects, and Why U.S. Jurisprudence Needs to Incorporate International Law, Natsu Taylor Saito

Red, Black and Divided: Federal "Recognition" and the Imposition of Identity on the Seminole Nation, Natsu Taylor Saito

The Plenary Power Doctrine: Subverting Human Rights in the Name of Sovereignty, Natsu Taylor Saito

Whose Liberty? Whose Security? The USA PATRIOT ACT in the Context of COINTELPRO and Unlawful Repression of Political Dissent, Natsu Taylor Saito

Will Force Trump Legality after September 11? American Jurisprudence Confronts the Rule of Law, Natsu Taylor Saito

A Tribute to Patricia Taber Morgan, Charity Scott

Article III as a Grant of Power: Protective Jurisdiction, Federalism and the Federal Courts, Eric J. Segall

Supplement, Cathleen Robson Smith and Margaret Hughes Vath

Non-Profit Corporations, Ellen Taylor


Sexual Harassment and Disparate Impact: Should Non-Targeted Workplace Sexual Conduct Be Actionable under Title VII?, Kelly Cahill Timmons

ABA Takes Part in U.N. Special Session on Children, Jonathan Todres

Extradition, Jonathan Todres


The Challenge of Creating 'A World Fit for Children', Jonathan Todres

UN Holds Special Session on Children, Jonathan Todres

Legal Writing: Some Useful Online Reference Sources, Ronald E. Wheeler


Ruminations on Tenure, Ronald E. Wheeler

Vendor Neutral Citation in New Mexico, Ronald E. Wheeler

Health Care Provisions & Asset-Backed Securitizations Under the Proposed Bankruptcy Bill, Jack F. Williams


Professor Frank R. Kennedy, Jack F. Williams

Who Owns the Back of a Baseball Card? A Baseball Player's Rights in His Performance Statistics, Jack F. Williams

Lessons Virtually Learned, Patrick Wiseman

The Challenges of IRB Review and Human Subjects Protections in Practice-Based Research, Leslie E. Wolf, Mary Croughan, and Bernard Lo

An Introduction to Ethics in a World of Mandatory Arbitration, Douglas H. Yarn

Ethical Duties and Best Practices When Engaging a Mediator, Douglas H. Yarn


Transnational Conflict Resolution Practice: A Brief Introduction to the Context, Issues, and Search for Best Practice in Exporting Conflict Resolution, Douglas H. Yarn

Transnational Conflict Resolution Practice: A Brief Introduction to the Context, Issues, and Search for Best Practice in Exporting Conflict Resolution, Douglas H. Yarn

Publications from 2001

Data Wars: How Superseding Forsham v. Harris Impacts the Federal Grant Award Process, Elizabeth G. Adelman

The New Drug Buyer: The Changing Definition of the Consumer for Antitrust Enforcement in the Pharmaceutical Industry, W Edward Afield

A Survey of Federal Agency Response to President Clinton's Executive Order No. 12898 on Environmental Justice, Denis Binder, Colin Crawford, Eileen Gauna, M. Casey Jarman, Alice Kaswan, Bradford C. Mank, Catherine O'Neill, Clifford L. Rechtschaffen, and Robert R. M. Verchick

Impact of Conformity Election Remains Unclear, Ronald W. Blasi

Consumer Banking and Payments Law, Mark E. Budnitz

Ensuring the Future, Mark E. Budnitz

An Innocent Carrier of Tuberculosis, Colin Crawford

Using Social Science Methods to Improve Lawyer-Client Communication, Clark D. Cunningham

Using Real-Life Context and Writing Exercises in Substantive Courses, Andrea A. Curcio

2001 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

Body and Soul in the Year 2020: Moral and Ethical Considerations in Our Biological Future, Entered in the Greenwall Foundation Oscar M. Ruebhausen Award Competition, William A. Edmundson

Book Review, Equality, Responsibility, and the Law, William A. Edmundson

Biographical Sketch of Judge Tuttle, Anne S. Emanuel

The Law of Agency and Partnership, William A. Gregory

Smart Governance for Smart Growth: The Need for Regional Government, Janice C. Griffith


The Dean's Role in Managing Technology, Janice C. Griffith

Hogue v. Neal, L. Lynn Hogue

Legal Research Exercises Following the Bluebook, Nancy P. Johnson and Susan Phillips

Electronic Signatures and Records: Permitting the Use of Electronic Signatures and Records Even When a Statute, Regulation, or Other Rule of Law Specifies a Non-Electronic Type of Signature or Record, Gregory Todd Jones

Jury Representation in Grand and Traverse Jury Arrays, State v. Brewer, Georgia Superior Court, Dalton, GA, Gregory Todd Jones

Sexual Offender Registry: Providing for the Registration of First Offenders and Those that Plead Nolo Contendere, Requiring Additional Information with Respect to Such Registration, and Insuring the Allocation of Federal Funding for Law Enforcement, Gregory Todd Jones

The Effect of Inflation Adjustments to Georgia's Bankruptcy Exemption Provisions, Gregory Todd Jones

Foreword: An Introduction to Urban Sprawl, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Delegation, Immigration and Property Rights, Neil Kinkopf

A More Nuanced View of the Director's Role, Marjorie F. Knowles

Has the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Really Created a New Exclusive Right of Access?: Attempting to Reach a Balance Between Users' and Content Providers' Rights, Michael Landau

Electronic Rights, Revisions, and Copyright Law, Michael B. Landau