Publications from 2020
Introduction: A Bold Agenda for the Next Steps in Health Reform, Brietta Clark, Erin Fuse Brown, and Lindsay F. Wiley
The Dershowitz Attack on the Trump Articles of Impeachment is Weakened, Perhaps Fatally, by the Possibility That "Misdemeanors" Could Mean "Misconduct", Clark Cunningham
Foreword: Lawyers and Linguists Collaborate in Using Corpus Linguistics to Produce New Insights Into Original Meaning, Clark D. Cunningham
Limiting Senate Inquiry Ignores Founders' Intent for Impeachment, Clark D. Cunningham
The One Word Alan Dershowitz Gets Wrong in the Impeachment Clause, Clark D. Cunningham
Using Empirical Data to Investigate the Original Meaning of "Emolument" in the Constitution, Clark D. Cunningham and Jesse Egbert
A NY Bar Exam Option That Doesn't Require Fighting for Seats, Andrea A. Curcio
Care-Taking, Gender & Scholarly Productivity During the Pandemic, Andrea A. Curcio
Bar Exam Repeaters Shouldn't Be Pushed to the Back of the Line, Andrea A. Curcio, Marsha Griggs, Joan W. Howarth, and Deborah Jones Merritt
The Mother of All Subsidies, W. A. Edmundson
Tolerating the Conditionally Tolerant: The Uneasy Case of Salvation Religions, William Edmundson
What is the Argument for the Fair Value of Political Liberty?, William Edmundson
Book Review, Katrina Forrester: In the Shadow of Justice: Postwar Liberalism and the Remaking of Political Philosophy, William A. Edmundson
The Choice of a Social System: Reflections on a "Property-Owning Democracy and the Difference Principle", William A. Edmundson
The Property Question, William A. Edmundson
What Are "The Means of Production"?, William A. Edmundson
Judge Phyllis Kravitch, Anne S. Emanuel
Americans' Health at Stake: Georgia Senate Run-Offs Decide Future, Wendy Netter Epstein and Erin Fuse Brown
FDA Issues New Guidance for Development of COVID-19 Drugs and Biological Products, Denise Esposito, Kristie Gurley, and Allison M. Whelan
Trump Judges or Federalist Society Judges? Try Both, Caroline Frederickson and Eric J. Segall
Stalled Federal Efforts to End Surprise Billing — The Role of Private Equity, Erin Fuse Brown
Federalism, ERISA, and State Single-Payer Health Care, Erin C. Fuse Brown and Elizabeth Y. McCuskey
The Implications of Rutledge v. PCMA for State Health Care Cost Regulation, Erin C. Fuse Brown and Elizabeth Y. McCuskey
Social Solidarity in Health Care, American-Style, Erin Fuse Brown, Matthew B. Lawrence, Elizabeth Y. McKuskey, and Lindsay F. Wiley
Out-of-Network Air Ambulance Bills: Prevalence, Magnitude, and Policy Solutions, Erin Fuse Brown, Erin Trish, Bich Ly, Mark Hall, and Loren Adler
The Problem With Relying on Profit-Driven Models to Produce Pandemic Drugs, Yaniv Heled, Ana Santos Rutschman, and Liza Vertinsky
Towards a Just International Tax Order: Giving Content to Article 28 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Through the Global Tax System, Monica V. Iyer
Introduction to Festschrift II, Karen Johnston
Regulating Micromobility: Examining Transportation Equity and Access, Karen Johnston, Deirdre A. Oakley, Audra Durham, Claire Bass, and Stacie Kershner
Olmstead at Twenty: The Past and Future of Community Integration: A Letter From the Guest Editors, Stacie Kershner and Susan Walker Goico
Feasibility Questions About Government-Sponsored Insurance for Business Interruption Losses From Pandemics, Robert W. Klein and Harold Weston
Dead Hand Vogue, Anthony Michael Kreis
Defensive Glass Ceilings, Anthony Michael Kreis
Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., 573 U.S. 682 (2014): Judgment, Anthony Michael Kreis
Intermediary Liability in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Michael B. Landau
The Astounding Growth of "Big Tech" and the Lack of Enforcement of the Intellectual Property, Antitrust, and Contract Laws, Michael B. Landau
Interview with Evan Phoenix, Tameka E. Lester
Stopping the Resurgence of Vaccine-Preventable Childhood Diseases: Policy, Politics, and Law, Hillel Y. Levin, Stacie P. Kershner, Timothy Lytton, Daniel Salmon, and Saad B. Omer
Protecting Rural Jails From Coronavirus, Aaron Littman, Lauren Sudeall, and Jessica Pishko
Eliminating the Criminal Debt Exception for Debtors’ Prisons, Cortney E. Lollar
In Quarantine, Paul Lombardo
The Mix and Mash-up of Being Human, Paul Lombardo
Reflecting on Olmstead: Representing Lois Curtis and Elaine Wilson, Paul Lombardo, Charles Bliss, Sylvia B. Caley, Steve Gottlieb, Sue Jamieson, Teresa Wynn Roseborough, and David Webster
Institutional Service, Student Care-Work, and Misogyny: Naming the Problem and Mitigating the Harm, Mary A. Lynch and Andrea A. Curcio
Businesses That Reopen Too Soon Should Be Subject to Tort Liability, Timothy D. Lytton
The FDA's Latest Leafy Greens Action Plan Is More of the Same, Timothy D. Lytton
Why Offering Businesses Immunity From Coronavirus Liability Is a Bad Idea, Timothy D. Lytton
Why Shielding Businesses From Coronavirus Liability Is a Bad Idea, Timothy D. Lytton
Cost-Effective Local Initiatives to Promote Resilient Disaster Recovery, John T. Marshall
Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer: Teacher, Lawyer, and Scholar — Vignettes for Our Times and All Times, John Travis Marshall
Recent Developments in Federal Income Taxation: The Year 2019, Bruce A. McGovern, Cassady V. Brewer, and James M. Delaney
Race Ought to Be a Through-Line in Core Law School Curriculum, Darcy Meals
Progressive Prosecutors Scored Big Wins in 2020 Elections, Boosting a Nationwide Trend, Caren Morrison
Mythologies of Violence in American Police Videos, Caren M. Morrison
How to Build a More Open Justice System, Adam R. Pah, David L. Schwartz, Sarath Sanga, Zachary D. Clopton, Peter DiCola, Rachel Davis Mersey, Charlotte S. Alexander, Kristian J. Hammond, and Luis A. Nunes Amaral
TPACK & SAMR: Real Frameworks for Evaluating Instructional Technology, Patrick Parsons
Courts in Crisis Part II: The Uneven Spatial Dynamics of Dispossessory Court in Georgia, Daniel Pasciuti, Lauren Sudeall, George Usmanov, Tabitha Ingle, and Joy Dillard Appel
Recent Acquisitions, Cassandra Patterson
Flattening the Filing Curve for SMEs: Lessons from Colombia’s Insolvency Reform, Alvaro Pereira
Civil Procedure as a Critical Discussion, Susan Provenzano and Brian Larson
What If Granny Wants to Gamble? Balancing Autonomy and Vulnerability in the Golden Years, Mary F. Radford
Wills, Trusts, Guardianships, and Fiduciary Administration, Mary F. Radford
Towards an Emergency Housing Response to COVID-19 in Georgia, Elora Raymond, Dan Immergluck, Lauren Sudeall, Frank S. Alexander, Michael Rich, Dan Pasciuti, John Travis Marshall, Prentiss Dantzler, and Allen Hyde
"Questions Involving National Peace and Harmony" or "Injured Plaintiff Litigation"? The Original Meaning of "Cases" in Article III of the Constitution, Haoshan Ren, Margaret Wood, Clark D. Cunningham, Noor Abbady, Ute Römer, Heather Kuhn, and Jesse Egbert
When Past is Prologue: The Values of Historic Resources for Cities, Ryan Rowberry
Book Review, The Rise and Fall of America's Concentration Camp Law: Civil Liberties Debates From the Internment to McCarthyism and the Radical 1960s, Natsu Taylor Saito
Different Paths, Natsu Taylor Saito
Faith and Facts: Dismantling Colonial Constructions, Natsu Taylor Saito
Settler Colonialism, Race, and Law: Why Structural Racism Persists, Natsu Taylor Saito
Critical Race Theory and Children's Rights, Natsu Taylor Saito and Akilah J. Kinnison
Calming Down and Waking Up: An Empirical Study of the Effects of Mindfulness Training on Law Students, Charity Scott and Paul Verhaegen
Book Review, Abortion and the Law in America: Roe v. Wade to the Present (Cambridge University Press, 2020, pp.326), Eric Segall
Supreme Myths, Eric Segall
Originalist Fiction as Constitutional Faith, Eric J. Segall
The Concession That Dooms Originalism: A Response to Professor Lawrence Solum, Eric J. Segall
Representative Defendants, Nirej Sekhon
Courts in Crisis: Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Eviction Court in Georgia, Lauren Sudeall, Daniel Pasciuti, Tabitha Ingle, and Kam Williams
Tesla, SolarCity, and Inherent Coercion, Eric Talley, Anne M. Tucker, and Jamie Brumberger
Children’s Right to Participate: Insights from the Story of Malala, Jonathan Todres
Foreword: Preventing Human Trafficking, Jonathan Todres
Making Children's Rights Widely Known, Jonathan Todres
Why Children are an Overlooked Ally in the Fight Against Human Trafficking, Jonathan Todres
COVID-19 and Human Trafficking—the Amplified Impact on Vulnerable Populations, Jonathan Todres and Angela Diaz
The Trauma of Trump's Family Separation and Child Detention Actions: A Children's Rights Perspective, Jonathan Todres and Daniela V. Fink
Children's Rights in the Twenty-First Century: Challenges and Opportunities, Jonathan Todres and Shani M. King
Introduction, Jonathan Todres and Shani M. King
The Oxford Handbook of Children's Rights Law, Jonathan Todres and Shani M. King
The Oxford Handbook of Children's Rights Laws, Jonathan Todres and Shani M. King
Does the Oakland Mayor Face Legal Liability for Warning About ICE Raids?, Jeffrey Vagle
Zoom and the Problem of Cybersecurity Moral Hazard, Jeffrey Vagle
Cybersecurity and Moral Hazard, Jeffrey L. Vagle
Will the 'Legal Singularity' Hollow Out Law's Normative Core?, Robert F. Weber
Social Media as a Factor in Personal Injury Underwriting, Harold Weston and Brenda P. Wells
Liability of Officers, Directors, and Professionals of Insolvent and Near-Insolvent Corporations, Jack F. Williams
DNA Databases, Cracking Crimes, and Confidentiality, Leslie Wolf and Laura M. Beskow
Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer - Remarks on Behalf of Georgia State University College of Law, Leslie E. Wolf
Protecting Participants in Genomic Research: Understanding the "Web of Protections" Afforded by Federal and State Law, Leslie E. Wolf, Catherine M. Hammack, Erin Fuse Brown, Kathleen M. Brelsford, and Laura M. Beskow
Boots and Bail on the Ground: Assessing the Implementation of Misdemeanor Bail Reforms in Georgia, Andrea Woods, Sandra G. Mayson, Lauren Sudeall, Guthrie Armstrong, and Anthony Potts