
Publications from 2021

A Merritt-orious Path for Lawyer Licensing, Carol Chomsky, Andrea A. Curcio, and Eileen Kaufman

Dissent and the Rule of Law, Russell D. Covey


Democrats Are Pursuing the Wrong Impeachment Charges Against President Trump, Clark D. Cunningham

Socialism for Soloists, William Edmundson

"In Such Ways as Promise Some Success", William A. Edmundson


Book Review, A History of American Law by Lawrence M. Friedman (2020), Gerard Fowke

Book Review, Until Justice Be Done: America’s First Civil Rights Movement, From the Revolution to Reconstruction, Gerard Fowke

Closed Stacks, Gerard Fowke


Coming Up with Ideas, Gerard Fowke


The Unfinished Business Of Air Ambulance Bills, Erin Fuse Brown, Loren Adler, Karan R. Chhabra, Barak D. Richman, and Erin Trish

State Public Option Plans - Too Modest to Improve Affordability?, Erin C. Fuse Brown, Katherine L. Gudiksen, and Jaime S. King

What States Can Do to Address Out-of-Network Air Ambulance Bills, Erin Fuse Brown, Alex McDonald, and Ngan T. Nguyen


Contracts with (Social) benefits: The implementation of impact investing, Christopher Geczy, Jessica Jeffers, David K. Musto, and Anne Tucker


Barriers to Purchasing Narcan® in Georgia: A Survey of Pharmacy Staff, Thomas E. Griner, Sheryl Strasser, Stacie Kershner, Ashli Owen-Smith, and Matthew J. Hayat


The Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act at 10—A Stocktaking, Yaniv Heled

A Wrong Without a Remedy: Leaving Parents and Children With a Hollow Victory in Lawsuits Against Unscrupulous Sperm Banks, Yaniv Heled, Timothy D. Lytton, and Liza S. Vertinsky

Regulatory Reactivity: FDA and the Response to COVID-19, Yaniv Heled, Ana Santos Rutschman, and Liza Vertinsky


An Institutional Solution to Build Trust in Pandemic Vaccines, Yaniv Heled, Ana Santos Rutschman, and Liza S. Vertinsky


Regulatory Reactivity in FDA’s Approval of Aduhelm, Yaniv Heled, Ana Santos Rutschman, and Liza S. Vertinsky

The Need for the Tort Law Necessity Defense in Intellectual Property Law, Yaniv Heled, Ana Santos Rutschman, and Liza S. Vertinsky

Genetic Paparazzi: Beyond Genetic Privacy, Yaniv Heled and Liza Vertinsky

Genetic Paparazzi, Yaniv Heled and Liza S. Vertinsky


How to Bake Impact Into the Paperwork, Jessica Jeffers and Anne Tucker


Public Transit Drivers Struggle to Enforce Mask Mandates, Stacie Kershner and Karen Johnston


Meeting the Needs of Vulnerable and At-Risk School-Age Children, Stacie P. Kershner and Brooke N. Silverthorn


How Merrick Garland Can Fix the DOJ's Special Counsel Problem, Neil Kinkopf


The Senate Retains Authority to Try Donald Trump After He Leaves Office, Neil Kinkopf


The New Redeemers, Anthony Kreis


New Signs in Georgia Expose Our Ongoing Democratic Decay, Anthony Michael Kreis

The Astounding Growth of "Big Tech" and the Lack of Enforcement of Intellectual Property, Antitrust, and Contract Laws, Michael B. Landau

The Astounding Growth of "Big Tech" and the Lack of Enforcement of Intellectual Property, Antitrust, and Contract Laws, Michael B. Landau

The Fallacy of Contract in Sexual Slavery: A Response to Ramseyer's "Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War", Yong-Shik Lee, Natsu Taylor Saito, and Jonathan Todres

Obtaining Authority to Represent Taxpayers or Receive Taxpayer Information, Tameka E. Lester

Obtaining Authority to Represent Taxpayers or Receive Taxpayer Information, Tameka E. Lester and Derek Wheeler


Invoking Criminal Equity’s Roots, Cortney E. Lollar

"A Menace to the Public": The Aiken Leper Case, 1909, Paul Lombardo

New York Defines Illegal Firearms Use As a 'Public Nuisance' in Bid to Pierce Gun Industry's Powerful Liability Shield, Timothy Lytton

Recent Developments in Federal Income Taxation: The Year 2020, Bruce A. McGovern, Cassady V. Brewer, and James M. Delaney

The State Courts Don't Have Time for Your Crackpot Antiquarianism: A Decade of Domestic Homicides Since Giles v. California, Caren Myers Morrison


From the Ivory Tower to the Judicial Trenches: Are We Bridging the Divide?, Kristina Niedringhaus

Tech Tip, Cassandra Patterson

Simplified Corporations and Entrepreneurship, Alvaro Pereira

Symposium 2020 Hindsight: Reflections on the Pandemic, Protests, and Political Perils: Clinicians Reflect on COVID-19: Lessons Learned and Looking Beyond, The Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Policy Committee, Deborah Archer, Caitlin Barry, Lisa Bliss, G.S. Hans, Vida Johnson, Carolyn Kaas, Lynnise Pantin, Kele Stewart, The Clinical Legal Education Association (CLEA) Committee for Faculty Equity and Inclusion, Priya Baskaran, Jennifer Fernandez, Crystal Grant, Anjum Gupta, Julia Hernandez, Alexis Karteron, and Shobha Mahadev

Can Speech Act Theory Save Notice Pleading?, Susan Provenzano

Georgia Trusts and Trustees, Mary F. Radford

Model Rule of Professional Conduct 1.14 and Clients With "Diminished Capacity", Mary F. Radford

Wills, Trusts, Guardianships, and Fiduciary Administration (2020-2021 Developments), Mary F. Radford

Origin Stories: Critical Race Theory Encounters the War on Terror, Natsu T. Saito


Stories Matter: We Can Choose to Face Our Truths Together, Natsu Taylor Saito

Why Xenophobia?, Natsu Taylor Saito


Chief Justice John Roberts: Institutionalist or Hubris-in-Chief?, Eric Segall

Missing Missingness in Merger Analysis, Susan Navarro Smelcer


Praxis and Paradox: Inside the Black Box of Eviction Court, Lauren Sudeall and Daniel Pasciuti


Pre-Employment Personality Tests, Algorithmic Bias, and the Americans With Disabilities Act, Kelly Cahill Timmons

Robots are Coming for the Lawyers but Might Also be Their Rainmakers, Elizabeth Tippett and Charlotte Alexander


A Magna Carta for Children? Rethinking Children's Rights, Jonathan Todres


Book Review, A Magna Carta for Children? Rethinking Children's Rights by Michael Freeman, Jonathan Todres

Can Litigation Help Reduce Bullying?, Jonathan Todres

Children and Disasters: The Essential Role of Children's Rights Law, Jonathan Todres


Confronting Child Trafficking, Jonathan Todres

Incorporating the CRC and Its Optional Protocols in the United States, Jonathan Todres

Confronting Housing Insecurity- A Key to Getting Kids Back to School, Jonathan Todres and Lauren Meeler


Pandemic Disclosures: Covid-19 as a "Current Market Condition" for Mutual Funds, Anne Tucker, Yusen Xia, and Susan Navarro Smelcer

Business Secrecy Expansion and FOIA, Deepa Varadarajan


Critiquing Legal Futurism and Imagining a Radical, Emancipatory Legal Liberalism, Robert Weber

Against Discourse: Why Eliminating Racial Disparities Requires Radical Politics, Not More Discussion, Robert F. Weber

"Commonly Accepted Notions of Insurance" for Captives in Tax Cases are not Common Notions of Insurance in the Insurance Industry, Harold Weston


"Commonly Accepted Notions of Insurance" for Captives in Tax Cases Are Not Common Notions of Insurance in the Insurance Industry, Harold Weston

FDA Can Expand Reproductive Care Through Access to Safe Medication Abortion, Allison M. Whelan

Unequal Representation: Women in Clinical Trials, Allison M. Whelan

Health Reform Reconstruction, Lindsay F. Wiley, Elizabeth Y. McCuskey, Matthew B. Lawrence, and Erin C. Fuse Brown

Certificates of Confidentiality: Mind the Gap, Leslie Wolf and Laura M. Beskow

Black Letter Outline on Federal Wealth Transfer Taxes, 6th ed., Kevin M. Yamamoto and Samuel A. Donaldson

Publications from 2020


Lessons from Pandemic Pedagogy: Humanizing Law School Teaching to Create Equity and Evenness, Kinda L. Abdus-Saboor

Moving Tax Disputes Online Without Leaving Taxpayer Rights Behind, W. Edward Afield


Socialization at Work and #MeToo Backlash, Charlotte S. Alexander


Sorry (Not Sorry): Decoding #MeToo Defenses, Charlotte S. Alexander


The Shadow Judiciary, Charlotte S. Alexander, Nathan Dahlberg, and Anne Tucker

Clerking for Judge Elbert Tuttle: A Privileged Witness, Alfred C. Aman and Anne S. Emanuel


A Pandemic Meets a Housing Crisis, Courtney Anderson

Hate Wins, Courtney L. Anderson


A Pandemic Meets a Housing Crisis, Courtney Lauren Anderson


Opioids are the New Black, Courtney Lauren Anderson


Diploma Privilege and the Constitution, Claudia Angelos, Sara J. Berman, Mary Lu Bilek, Carol L. Chomsky, Andrea A. Curcio, Marsha Griggs, Joan W. Howarth, Eileen Kaufman, Deborah Jones Merritt, Patricia E. Salkin, and Judith Welch Wegner


The Bar Exam and the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Need for Immediate Action, Claudia Angelos, Sara J. Berman, Mary Lu Bilek, Carol L. Chomsky, Andrea A. Curcio, Marsha Griggs, Joan W. Howarth, Eileen Kaufman, Deborah Jones Merritt, Patricia E. Salkin, and Judith Welch Wegner


Licensing Lawyers in a Pandemic: Proving Competence, Claudia Angelos, Mary Lu Bilek, Carol L. Chomsky, Andrea A. Curcio, Marsha Griggs, Joan W. Howarth, Eileen Kaufman, Deborah Jones Merritt, Patricia E. Salkin, and Judith Welch Wegner


Constitutional Constraints on Lawyer Licensing in the Age of COVID-19, Claudia Angelos, Andrea A. Curcio, Sara Berman, Carol Chomsky, Marsha Griggs, Joan W. Howarth, Eileen Kaufman, Deborah Jones Merritt, Patricia E. Salkin, and Judith Welch Wegner


Clinical Education - A Safe and Sure Pathway to Law Licensure, Claudia Angelos, Andrea A. Curcio, Marsha Griggs, and Deborah Jones Merritt


Virtual Practice/Virtual Externships: Past, Present and Future, Dena Bauman, Gillian Dutton, Kendall Kerew, Chipo C. Nyambuya, and Amy Sankaran

Teaching Workplace Privacy Issues With a Big Data Group Project, Perry Binder; Susan Willey; and Harold A, Weston

Book Review, Legal Writing Style (3d ed.), Megan E. Boyd


Editor and Mentor: Making Effective Use of the Revision Process, Megan E. Boyd, Mark Cooney, and Adam Hofmann


Buyer Beware: Variation and Opacity in ESG and ESG Index Funds, Dana Brakman Reiser and Anne Tucker


Book Review, Regulatory Waves: Comparative Perspectives on State Regulation and Self-Regulation Policies in the Nonprofit Sector, Cassady V. Brewer


Tribute to Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer by Jim Bross, Jim Bross


Talking Tech: Task Automation in the Law Library, Cynthia Brown, Michelle Hook Dewey, and Jennifer Mendez

Principles and Programs to Protect Consumers From the Deleterious Effects of Technological Innovation, Mark E. Budnitz

The Restatement of the Law of Consumer Contracts: The American Law Institute's Impossible Dream, Mark E. Budnitz

Book Review, Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law Third Edition, Margaret (Meg) Butler


Roadblocks: Cultural and Structural Impediments to Forensic Science Reform, Jessica Gabel Cino