Publications from 2019
Abortion and Gay Rights [Transcript], Eric Segall, Jonathan H. Adler, Pamela Karlan, and Mark Tushnet
Justice Kennedy's Prose--Style and Substance [Transcript], Eric Segall, Eric Berger, Michael Dorf, and Jamal Greene
Free Speech and Freedom of Religion [Transcript], Eric Segall, Michael Dorf, and Eugene Volokh
Panel 5: Federalism and Separation of Powers, Eric Segall, Stephen Griffin, Neil Kinkopf, and Ilya Somin
Aggressive Judicial Review, Political Ideology, and the Rule of Law, Eric J. Segall
Originalism Off the Ground: A Response to Professors Baude and Sachs, Eric J. Segall
The Elite Teaching the Elite: Who Gets Hired by the Top Law Schools?, Eric J. Segall and Adam Feldman
Police and the Limit of Law, Nirej Sekhon
Fizz Fight: How Soda Taxes Affect Coca-Cola's Business Strategy, Margaret Sherman and Harold Weston
U.S. Public Health Service STD Experiments in Guatemala (1946–1948) and Their Aftermath, Kayte Spector-Bagdady and Paul A. Lombardo
Navigating IRS Collections and Presenting Special Circumstances, Erin H. Stearns and Tameka E. Lester
Integrating the Access to Justice Movement, Lauren Sudeall
Unfamiliar Justice: Indigent Criminal Defendants' Experiences With Civil Legal Needs, Lauren Sudeall and Ruth Richardson
Article 8: The Right to Preservation of a Child's identity, John Tobin and Jonathan Todres
Violence, Exploitation, and the Rights of the Child, Jonathan Todres
Preventing Child Trafficking: A Public Health Approach, Jonathan Todres and Angela Diaz
Impact Investment and Alternative Capital Channels, Anne M. Tucker
The Uses of IP Misuse, Deepa Varadarajan
Trade Secrecy Injunctions, Disclosure Risks, and eBay's Influence, Deepa Varadarajan
Family Law From Multiple Perspectives: Cases and Commentary, Lynn D. Wardle, Mark P. Strasser, Lynne Marie Kohm, and Tanya Washington
The FSOC's Designation Program as a Case Study of the New Administrative Law of Financial Supervision, Robert F. Weber
Genomic Databases, Subpoenas, and Certificates of Confidentiality, Leslie E. Wolf and Laura M. Beskow
The Web of Legal Protections for Participants in Genomic Research, Leslie E. Wolf, Erin Fuse Brown, Ryan Kerr, Genevieve Razick, Gregory Tanner, Brett Duvall, Sakinah Jones, Jack Brackney, and Tatiana Posada
Publications from 2018
Georgia State's Tax Clinic Gives Georgia's Low-Income Taxpayers a Fresh Start, W. Edward Afield
Handling Tax Collection Matters - Procedures and Strategies, W Edward Afield, Tameka E. Lester, and Willard N. Timm Jr.
Uber, China, and Robots, Charlotte S. Alexander
Climate Change and Infrastructure, Courtney Anderson
Planning for Public Health, Courtney L. Anderson
Divide & Concur: Separate Opinions & Legal Change, Thomas B. Bennett, Barry Friedman, Andrew D. Martin, and Susan Navarro Smelcer
Reaching Today's Law Students: Tips for Starting the New School Year, Sara Berman and Andrea A. Curcio
The Role of the Lawyer and the Essential Skills to Teach Law Students in an Era of Fake News, Alternative Facts, and Governing by Disruption, Beryl Blaustone and Lisa Radtke Bliss
Reflections on Reimagining Clinical Legal Education: The US Perspective, Lisa Radtke Bliss
Legal Writing Lessons From American Presidents, Megan E. Boyd
Some Tips On Studying For and Taking 1L Exams, Megan E. Boyd
What to Do About Mediocre First-Semester Law School Grades, Megan E. Boyd
Historic Preservation Law in a Nutshell, 2nd ed., Sara C. Bronin and Ryan Rowberry
Asylum, Immigration, and Gender Identity: Scholarship and Strategies for Advocacy, Margaret Butler
Family Law and Gender Identity: Legal Issues Arising When Marrying and Parenting While Trans, Margaret Butler
Gender-Affirming Health Care, Autonomy, and Bias in Insurance and the Law, Margaret Butler
Gender Identity and Domestic Legal Status, Margaret Butler
Gender Identity and the Law: Scholarship Regarding the Gender Binary and Gender Outlaws Generally, Margaret Butler
Gender Identity Discrimination in the Workplace and Education: Title VII and the Title IX, Margaret Butler
Georgia, Margaret Butler
Names are Important, Margaret Butler
New York, Margaret Butler
Oregon, Margaret Butler
Deploying the Secret Police: The Use of Algorithms in the Criminal Justice System, Jessica Gabel Cino
Is a Polygraph a Reliable Lie Detector?, Jessica Gabel Cino
Suspect Evidence and Coalmine Canaries, Russell D. Covey
The Wrongful Convictions Reader, Russell D. Covey
A Simple Low-Cost Institutional Learning-Outcomes Assessment Process, Andrea A. Curcio
Concrete Suggestions for Bar Exam Reform, Andrea A. Curcio
Disparate Institutional Service Workloads - Recognizing and Addressing the Problem, Andrea A. Curcio
How to Build a Better Bar Exam, Andrea A. Curcio, Carol L. Chomsky, and Eileen Kaufman
The Regulatory Accountability Act of 2017 - Implications for FDA Regulation and Public Health, Jonathan J. Darrow, Erin C. Fuse Brown, and Aaron S. Kesselheim
Understanding the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Samuel A. Donaldson
Federal Income Tax: A Contemporary Approach, 3rd ed., Samuel Donaldson and Donald B. Tobin
It Can't Happen Here, Has It?, W. A. Edmundson
Distributive Justice and Distributed Obligations, William A. Edmundson
Does the Center Want to Hold?, William A. Edmundson
Precedent and United States Administrative Law, William A. Edmundson
The Philosophical Case for Socialism, William A. Edmundson
Promoting Patient Interests in Implementing the Federal Right to Try Act, Holly Fernandez Lynch, Patricia J. Zettler, and Ameet Sarpatwari
Local Governments' Hidden Barriers to Disaster Recovery, Donovan Finn and John T. Marshall
Superstorm Sandy at Five: Lessons on Law as Catalyst and Obstacle to Long-Term Recovery Following Catastrophic Disasters, Donovan Finn and John Travis Marshall
Librarians Before Congress: Advocacy and Identity, Gerard Fowke
Health Law: Cases, Materials and Problems, Barry R. Furrow, Thomas L. Greaney, Sandra H. Johnson, Timothy S. Jost, Robert L. Schwartz, Brietta Clark, Erin C. Fuse Brown, Robert Gatter, Jaime S. King, and Elizabeth Pendo
Hospital Mergers and Public Accountability: Tennessee and Virginia Employ a Certificate of Public Advantage, Erin C. Fuse Brown
Removing ERISA's Impediment to State Health Reform, Erin C. Fuse Brown and Ameet Sarpatwari
Approaching the Largest 'API': Extracting Information From the Internet With Python, Jonathan E. Germann
Child Trafficking: Issues for Policy and Practice, V. Jordan Greenbaum, Katherine Yun, and Jonathan Todres
Distractedly Engaged or Engagedly Distracted: How Constant Collaboration Breeds Innovation in Millennial Librarians, Katie Hanschke and Patrick Parsons
Follow-On Biologics Are Set Up to Fail, Yaniv Heled
Program Review: E4 - Don't Just Hire The Best - Keep Them, Trina Holloway
Thank You For the Opportunity to Serve, Nicole Iannarone
The Atlanta Bar Association Is Ready to Go in 2019, Nicole Iannarone
What Did You Do This Summer?, Nicole Iannarone
With Thanks and Gratitude for Old Friends & New, Nicole Iannarone
Bringing Wall Street to Main Street: SEC Invites Atlanta Investors to Georgia State Law for an Interactive Town Hall on June 13, Nicole G. Iannarone
Computer as Confidant: Digital Investment Advice and the Fiduciary Standard, Nicole G. Iannarone
Investor Advocacy Clinic at Georgia state Law Seeks Economic Justice for Retirees, Nicole G. Iannarone
Building Your Professional Identity, Kendall Kerew
Cross-Cultural Lawyering, Kendall Kerew
Harvesting: Where Fiction Meets Children's Rights Advocacy, Ursula Kilkelly and Jonathan Todres
The Anti-Competitive Potential of Cross-Market Mergers in Health Care, Jaime S. King and Erin C. Fuse Brown
A Fresh Look at Title VII: Sexual Orientation Discrimination as Sex Discrimination, Anthony Michael Kreis
Against Gay Potemkin Villages: Title VII and Sexual Discrimination, Anthony Michael Kreis
Family Law and Civil Rights Movements, Anthony Michael Kreis
Picking Spinach, Anthony Michael Kreis
Stages of Constitutional Grief: Democratic Constitutionalism and the Marriage Revolution, Anthony Michael Kreis
Joint Works Under United States Copyright Law: Judicial Legislation Through Statutory Misinterpretation, Michael B. Landau
Tax Tips, Tameka E. Lester
What to Do If You Owe the IRS Money, Tameka E. Lester
John Rawls and the New Left: an interview with Bill Edmundson, Ethan Linehan and William Edmundson
Criminalizing (Poor) Fatherhood, Cortney E. Lollar
The Power of Heredity and the Relevance of Eugenic History, Paul A. Lombardo
Public Defense Litigation: An Overview, Lauren Sudeall Lucas
Civil Lawsuits Are the Only Way to Hold Bishops Accountable for Abuse Cover-Ups, Timothy D. Lytton
From Gun Kits to 3D Printable Guns, a Short History of Rogue Gun Makers, Timothy D. Lytton
MGM Is Suing the Victims of the Worst Mass Shooting in US History. Here's Why., Timothy D. Lytton