
Publications from 2014

Law's Evolution and Law as Custom, William A. Edmundson


Hospitals Using ACA to Justify Cuts in Charity Care, Erin C. Fuse Brown


IPAB May Be a Super-Independent Agency, But It Is Constitutional, Erin C. Fuse Brown

Irrational Hospital Pricing, Erin C. Fuse Brown


More Than Just the ACA at Stake in King v. Burwell, Erin C. Fuse Brown


Surprise! The Doctors at Your In-Network Hospital Are Out-of-Network, Erin C. Fuse Brown


The Health Implications of Piketty's Inequality, Erin C. Fuse Brown


The Hidden Costs of Narrow Networks, Erin C. Fuse Brown

Bloomberg Treatise of Bankruptcy Law, Jessica Gabel

Realizing Reliability in Forensic Science From the Ground Up, Jessica D. Gabel

Reigning in the Wild West: The Necessary Outcomes and Inevitable Pitfalls of Reforming Forensic Science, Jessica D. Gabel and Karyn D. Heavenrich


Address Working Poverty by Promoting Work Hour Security in Low-Wage Hourly Jobs, Anna Haley-Lock, Charlotte S. Alexander, and Nantiya Ruan

Climate Change and Risk: A Multidisciplinary Risk Course, Glenn Harrison and Harold Weston

Alter Rules of Liability, Yaniv Heled

On Patenting Human Organisms or How the Abortion Wars Feed Into the Ownership Fallacy, Yaniv Heled


Patent Trolls as Parasites, Yaniv Heled

Civil Rights Have a Place in Conversation, Wendy Hensel

Anthony Comstock: A Religious Fundamentalist's Negative Impact on Reproductive Health, L. Lynn Hogue and Carol Hogue

Cases and Materials on Corporations, Hurst, Gregory, Jack F. Williams, and B. Ellen Taylor


Comment of Georgia State University College of Law Investor Advocacy Clinic to Brent J. Fields, Secretary, Securities & Exchange Commission, Regarding SR-FINRA-2014-028, Nicole Iannarone, Ryan Corbin, Kori Eskridge, and Kristina Ludwig


Comment of Georgia State University College of Law Investor Advocacy Clinic to Marcia E. Asquith, Office of the Corporate Secretary, FINRA, Regarding Regulatory Notice 14-35, Nicole Iannarone, Brittany DeDiego, and Chris Pugh


Comment of Georgia State University College of Law Investor Advocacy Clinic to Elizabeth M. Murphy, Secretary, Securities & Exchange Commission, Regarding SR-FINRA-2014-005, Nicole Iannarone, Scott Evans, Benjamin Stubbs, and Patricia Uceda

Competence and Computers: Securities Arbitration and the Ethics of Emergent Technology, Nicole G. Iannarone


Comment of Georgia State University College of Law Investor Advocacy Clinic to Elizabeth M. Murphy, Secretary, Securities & Exchange Commission, Regarding SR-FINRA-2014-020, Nicole Iannarone, Tim Guilmette, and Nataliya Obikhod


Comment of Georgia State University College of Law Investor Advocacy Clinic to Elizabeth M. Murphy, Secretary, Securities & Exchange Commission, Regarding SR-FINRA-2014-008, Nicole Iannarone, Nataliya Nemtseva, Timothy Guilmette, and Thomas Abrahamson

Introduction, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Kaplan's Georgia Corporations, Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies, with Forms, Jerome L. Kaplan and B. Ellen Taylor

Marriage Equality in State and Nation, Anthony Michael Kreis


Unhinging Same-Sex Marriage From the Constitutional Canon: The Search for a Principled Doctrinal Framework, Anthony Michael Kreis


A New Era of Political Exclusion, Tim Kuhner


A Roberts Court Re-Write of Rawls, Tim Kuhner

Capitalism v. Democracy: Money in Politics and the Free Market Constitution, Timothy K. Kuhner

Political Finance as the Central Issue of Our Time, Timothy K. Kuhner


This Is Not a Democracy: How the Supreme Court Allowed the 1 Percent Control, Timothy K. Kuhner

Show, Don't Tell: Legal Writing for the Real World, Adam Lamparello and Megan E. Boyd


Joint Works Under United States Copyright Law: Judicial Legislation Through Statutory Misinterpretation, Michael B. Landau

Issues and Best Practices in Connection with Educational Resources and Other Materials in the "Cloud", Michael B. Landau and Donna K. Lewis

Issues and Best Practices in Connection With Educational Resources and Other Materials in the "Cloud", Michael Landau and Donna K. Lewis

Venn Diagrams: Meet Me At the Intersection of Estate and Income Tax, Paul S. Lee, Cassady V. Brewer, and Ellen K. Harrison


Getting Jurors to Awesome, Cortney E. Lollar


Kentucky Criminal Law Experts Call for Reform, Cortney E. Lollar


What is Criminal Restitution?, Cortney E. Lollar

Book Review, An Image of God: The Catholic Struggle with Eugenics, Paul A. Lombardo


When Harvard Said No to Eugenics: The J. Ewing Mears Bequest, 1927, Paul A. Lombardo


Death in the Sunset of a Constitutional Showdown, Lauren Sudeall Lucas


Deconstructing the Right to Counsel, Lauren Sudeall Lucas

Lawyering to the Lowest Common Denominator: Strickland's Potential for Incorporating Underfunded Norms Into Legal Doctrine, Lauren Sudeall Lucas

Of Secrecy and Punishment, Lauren Sudeall Lucas


Undoing Race? Reconciling Multiracial Identity with Equal Protection, Lauren Sudeall Lucas

Markets and Morality: Kosher Certification as a Model for Eco-Labeling, Timothy Lytton

Competitive Third-Party Regulation: How Private Certification Can Overcome Constraints that Frustrate Government Regulation, Timothy D. Lytton

Is There a Tension Between Consumer Protection and Religious Liberty: A Comparison of Kosher Fraud Laws in the U.S. and Israel, Timothy D. Lytton

Jewish Foodways and Religious Self-Governance in America: The Failure of Communal Kashrut Regulation and the Rise of Private Kosher Certification, Timothy D. Lytton


Moving Beyond the Battle Over Eco-Kosher: Kosher Certification as a Model (Not a Means) for Ethical Food Labeling, Timothy D. Lytton

Oversight in Private Food Safety Auditing: Addressing Auditor Conflict of Interest, Timothy D. Lytton


The Advantages of Private Certification Over Government Regulation, Timothy D. Lytton


There Is More to Mandatory Disclosure Than Meets the Eye, Timothy D. Lytton

There Is More to Transparency Than Meets the Eye: The Impact of Mandatory Disclosure Laws Aimed at Promoting Breastfeeding, Timothy D. Lytton, Barbara A. Dennison, Trang Q. Nguyen, and Janine M. Jurkowski

Oversight in Private Food Safety Auditing: Addressing Auditor Conflict of Interest, Timothy D. Lytton and Lesley K. McAllister


Shaking Up Israel's Kosher Certification System, Timothy D. Lytton and Motti Talias


Forging Successful Non-Profit Partnerships Following Crisis and Disaster: O.C. Haley Boulevard's Story, John T. Marshall


Reviving Inner-City Neighborhoods: the Challenges of Teaching and Doing Urban Revitalization, John T. Marshall

Snapshots from New Orleans' Long-Term Recovery-- Katrina at 9, John T. Marshall

The Importance of Promoting Government Partnerships with Nongovernmental Organization, John T. Marshall


Weathering NEPA Review: Superstorms and Super Slow Urban Recovery, John Travis Marshall

Urban Wreckage and Resiliency: Articulating a Practical Framework for Preserving, Reconstructing, and Building Cities, John T. Marshall and Ryan Rowberry


Shadow Dwellers: The Underregulated World of State and Local DNA Databases, Stephen Mercer and Jessica D. Gabel

Negotiating Peremptory Challenges, Caren Morrison


Investigating Jurors on Social Media, Caren Myers Morrison


Vanishing into the Ether: Link Rot and Disappearing Precedent, Kristina L. Niedringhaus

The Health Law Partnership: A Medical-Legal Partnership Strategically Designed to Provide a Coordinated Approach to Public Health Legal Services, Education, Advocacy, Evaluation, Research, and Scholarship, Robert Pettignano, Lisa R. Bliss, and Sylvia B. Caley

Predispute Arbitration Agreements Between Trustees and Financial Services Institutions: Are Beneficiaries Bound?, Mary F. Radford

Wills, Trusts, Guardianships and Fiduciary Administration, Mary F. Radford

Legal History Through Digital Sources, Ryan Rowberry


Tales of Color and Colonialism: Racial realism and Settler Colonial Theory, Natsu T. Saito


Life and Legal Fiction: Reflections on Margaret Montoya's Máscaras, Trenzas, y Greñas, Natsu Taylor Saito


Market Your Library: How to Create a Library Marketing Committee, Deborah Schander

Georgia Legal Research - Secondary Source Materials, Deborah Schander, Austin Martin Williams, Ronald E. Wheeler, Terrance Manion, and Nancy P. Johnson


Ethics Consultations and Conflict Engagement in Health Care, Charity Scott


Supreme Court Justices Looked to Personal Views Rather Than Legal Arguments for Hobby Lobby Decision, Eric Segall


Contributor, Eric J. Segall

Don't Defend Georgia's Ban, Eric J. Segall

For Supreme Court, It's Not the Law, It's the Power of Five, Eric J. Segall


Grinding the Canons, Eric J. Segall


Hands Off Those Gun Laws, Judges, Eric J. Segall

Personal Is Political for Roberts Court, Eric J. Segall

Silence is Golden: Moments of Silence, Legislative Prayers, and the Establishment Clause, Eric J. Segall


Supreme Court Justices Are Not Really Judges, Eric J. Segall


Supreme Court Puts Its Legitimacy At Risk, Eric J. Segall


The Constitution According to Justices Scalia and Thomas: Alive and Kickin', Eric J. Segall


The High Court's Supreme Secrecy, Eric J. Segall


The Last Honest Conservative: Meet the Brilliant Ronald Reagan Appointee Making Antonin Scalia's Life Very Difficult, Eric J. Segall

What are They Hiding?, Eric J. Segall

Punitive Injunctions, Nirej Sekhon

The Pedagogical Prosecutor, Nirej S. Sekhon

The Hows and Whys of Judicial Elections in Georgia - A Citizens' Primer, Rita A. Sheffey, Nicole G. Iannarone, and Roy M. Sobelson

Risky Business: Managing Risk in a Complex and Connected World, Margaret B. Sherman, Harold A. Weston, Susan L. Willey, and Nancy R. Mansfield

Where One Sits Affects Where Others Stand: Bias, the Bar, and Nominees to Federal District Courts, Susan Navarro Smelcer, Amy Steigerwalt, and Richard L. Vining Jr.

Where One Sits Affects Where Others Stand: Bias, the Bar, and Nominees to Federal District Courts, Susan Navarro Smelcer, Amy Steigerwalt, and Richard L. Vining Jr.


Beyond the Schoolhouse Gates: The Unprecedented Expansion of School Surveillance Authority Under Cyberbullying Laws, Emily F. Suski