
Publications from 2016


Washington on the President's Pick, Tanya Washington

The Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review and the New Contingency of Bank Dividends, Robert Weber


Data Analytics as Predictor of Character or Virtues, and the Risks to Autonomy, Harold Weston

Life Insurers' Decision to Use Retained Asset Accounts for Life Insurance Payouts: A Case Study, Harold Weston and Susan Willey

Lowering the Age of Consent: Pushing Back Against the Anti-Vaccine Movement, Allison M. Whelan


Filling a Supreme Court Vacancy and Senate Obligations, Patrick Wiseman


In Choosing Garland, Obama Takes Path of Least Resistance, Patrick Wiseman


Is the Constitution at Stake in This Year's Election?, Patrick Wiseman


Perhaps the President Should Defer a Supreme Court Nomination, Patrick Wiseman

Who is Represented in a Representative Democracy?, Patrick Wiseman


Wiseman on McConnell’s ‘It’s Not the Person, It’s the Principle’, Patrick Wiseman

Criminal HIV Exposure Statutes and Public Health in the United States, Leslie E. Wolf


If We Don’t Own Our Genes, What Protects Subjects in Genetic Research?, Leslie E. Wolf

Vulnerable Patients and End-of-Life Decision-Making, Leslie E. Wolf and Sylvia Caley

Uncertainty and Reverse Payments, Ramsi A. Woodcock

Black Letter Outline on Federal Wealth Transfer Taxes, 4th ed., Kevin M. Yamamoto and Samuel A. Donaldson

Mediation in den USA, Douglas H. Yarn

The Social Enterprise Zoo : A Guide for Perplexed Scholars, Entrepreneurs, Philanthropists, Leaders, Investors, and Policymakers, Dennis R. Young, Elizabeth A.M. Searing, and Cassady V. Brewer

The Social Enterprise Zoo : A Guide for Perplexed Scholars, Entrepreneurs, Philanthropists, Leaders, Investors, and Policymakers, Dennis R. Young, Elizabeth A.M. Searing, and Cassady V. Brewer

Regulating Drug Promotion to Promote the Public Health: A Response to Bennett, et al., Patricia J. Zettler

What Lies Ahead for FDA Regulation of tDCS Products?, Patricia J. Zettler

Publications from 2015


Another Set of Eyes: A New-Old Proposal to Combat Wage Theft, Charlotte S. Alexander

Transparency and Transmission: Theorizing Information's Role in Regulatory and Market Responses to Workplace Problems, Charlotte S. Alexander


Gaming the System: The Exemption of Professional Sports Teams From the Fair Labor Standards Act, Charlotte S. Alexander and Nathaniel Grow

Underwork, Work-Hour Insecurity, and a New Approach to Wage and Hour Regulation, Charlotte S. Alexander and Anna Haley-Lock

Stabilizing Low-Wage Work, Charlotte S. Alexander, Anna Haley-Lock, and Nantiya Ruan

The Disparate Impact of Shuttered Schools, Courtney Lauren Anderson


Affordable Housing for Sustainable Cities: A North American Perspective, Detroit Metropolitan Area and Montreal (Quebec), Courtney Lauren Anderson and Maryse Grandbois

Interprofessional Education, Lisa Radtke Bliss, Sylvia B. Caley, Patty Roberts, Emily F. Suski, and Robert Pettignano

A Conscious Institutional Strategy for Expanding Experiential Education, Lisa Radtke Bliss and Deborah Maranville

Delivering Effective Education in In-House Clinics, Lisa Radtke Bliss and Donald C. Peters

Nonprofit and Charitable Uses of LLCs, Cassady V. Brewer

Payment Protection Advocacy, Mark E. Budnitz


Book Review, Lawyer Finances: Principles and Practices for Personal and Professional Financial Success, Margaret Butler

The Health Law Partnership, Sylvia B. Caley and Robert Pettignano

Speaking Their Language: Developing a Scorecard for Medical-Legal Partnerships to Balance Quality and Productivity, Sylvia B. Caley, Robert Pettignano, and Lisa Bliss

Courts and Policy in the United States, Robert K. Christensen and Anthony Michael Kreis


Playing the Race Card: The Illusion of a Jury of Your Peers, Jessica Gabel Cino


Splitting Hairs: Why the FBI Forensic Lab Review Matters, Jessica Gabel Cino

Learning Professional Responsibility, Clark D. Cunningham


Addressing Barriers to Cultural Sensibility Learning: Lessons from Social Cognition Theory, Andrea A. Curcio


The Power of "Not Yet", Learning Outcomes & Assessment, Andrea A. Curcio

Essay Question Formative Assessments in Large Section Courses: Two Studies Illustrating Easy and Effective Use, Andrea A. Curcio, Gregory Todd Jones, and Tanya M. Washington

ALL-SIS Legal Research & Sourcebook Committee: Review, Revise, Re-Invent, Michelle Hook Dewey


The Mentoring Family Tree: How Intergenerational Concepts Can Inform And Improve Our Mentoring Relationships, Michelle Hook Dewey, Sandra B. Placzek, and Candle M. Wester


Illinois Legal Research: Secondary Resources, Michelle Hook Dewey, Candle M. Wester, and Allen Moye

Contemporary Estate Planning Paradigms for Married Couples, Samuel A. Donaldson


The Estate Planner's Income Tax Playbook, Samuel A. Donaldson


Long Shadows and Clubbable Democracies, W. A. Edmundson

Book Review, The Philosophy of Customary Law, William A. Edmundson

Do Animals Need Citizenship?, William A. Edmundson

Do Animals Need Rights?, William A. Edmundson

Ought We To Do What We Ought To Be Made To Do? Cohen and Nagel on the Personal and the Political, William A. Edmundson


Roll Over, De Tocqueville, William A. Edmundson


Nonprofit Hospitals Sue Patients, and New IRS Rules Offer Limited Protection, Erin C. Fuse Brown


Resurrecting Health Care Rate Regulation, Erin C. Fuse Brown


The Blind Spot in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's Cost-Control Policies, Erin C. Fuse Brown


Affordable Care Act Is Here to Stay, Erin C. Fuse Brown


How to Fix Our Hospital Pricing Problem (and How Not To), Erin C. Fuse Brown


IRS Rules Will Not Stop Unfair Hospital Billing and Collection Practices, Erin C. Fuse Brown


Much at Stake for Georgians in Health Care Fight, Erin C. Fuse Brown


Much at State for Georgia in Upcoming High Court Ruling, Erin C. Fuse Brown


Experts React as Obamacare Survives Another Near-Death Experience, Erin Fuse Brown, Mark Kende, and Thomas J. Whalen

Reliability Is a Two-Way Street: Forensic Reform in the Crime Lab and the Courtroom, Jessica D. Gabel

The Lean Legal Clinic: Cost-Effective Methods of Implementing Experiential Education, Jessica D. Gabel

When Politics, Medicine Mix, Jessica D. Gabel


Institutional Investing When Shareholders Are Not Supreme, Christopher Geczy, Jessica S. Jeffers, David K. Musto, and Anne Tucker


Institutional Investors' Appetite for Alternatives, Christopher Geczy, Jessica S. Jeffers, David K. Musto, and Anne Tucker

Acceptance of the Distinguished Service Award for Lifetime Achievement: "Pursuing Law Reform Opportunities", Marjorie L. Girth

Law, Bioethics and Biotechnology, Michele Goodwin and Allison M. Whelan

Reproduction and the Rule of Law in Latin America, Michele Goodwin and Allison M. Whelan

Women's Inequality and the Rule of Law: Latin America and Reproductive Rights, Michele Goodwin and Allison M. Whelan

Jurisprudence Cases and Materials: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law and Its Applications, Stephen E. Gottlieb, Brian H. Bix, Timothy D. Lytton, and Robin L. West


The Impact of Disability: A Comparative Approach to Medical Resource Allocation in Public Health Emergencies, Katie Hanschke, Leslie E. Wolf, and Wendy F. Hensel


Time Running Out to Compensate Virginia Sterilization Survivors, Peter L. Hardin and Paul A. Lombardo


Regulatory Competitive Shelters, Yaniv Heled


Regulatory Competitive Shelters as Incentives for Innovation in Agro-biotech, Yaniv Heled


Regulatory Competitive Shelters in the Area of Personalized Medicine, Yaniv Heled


The Limits of Federal Disability Law: State Educational Voucher Programs, Wendy Hensel


What's Wrong With Religious Freedom Restoration Acts?, L. Lynn Hogue


Avoiding Ethical Problems in Social Media, Nicole G. Iannarone

Dealing with Diminished Capacity, Nicole G. Iannarone


Practice Ready Lawyers Don't Just Represent Clients: Experiential Education for the Business of Law, Nicole G. Iannarone


Comment of Georgia State University College of Law Investor Advocacy Clinic to Brent J. Fields, Secretary, Securities & Exchange Commission, Regarding SR-FINRA-2015-003, Nicole G. Iannarone, Francis Laryea, Jason Robinson, Darius Wood, and Jasmine Blake-Stewart


Developer Funding of Affordable and Work Force Housing Through Impact Fees and Land Value Recapture: A Comparison of American and Spanish Approaches, Julian C. Juergensmeyer


Financiación por Promotores de Vivendas Asequibles para la Clase Trabajadora Mediante Impuestos y Recuperación de Plusvalías: Una Comparación de los Enfoques Estadounidense y Español, Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer

Georgia Legislators Should Protect All State's Citizens, Anthony Michael Kreis

Religious Freedom Law Could Hurt Ga., Anthony Michael Kreis

Religious Rights, Yes; Bias Against LGBT People, No, Anthony Michael Kreis


American Plutocracy, Timothy K. Kuhner


Are the Courts Singing a Different Tune When It Comes to Music?: What Ever Happened to Fair Use in Music Sampling Cases?, Michael B. Landau


When Families Move, High School Students May Suffer, Constance Lindsay and Courtney Anderson


Punitive Compensation, Cortney E. Lollar

How to Escape the Doctor's Dilemma? De-Medicalize Reproductive Technologies, Paul A. Lombardo


Functionally Suspect: Reconceptualizing "Race" as a Suspect Classification, Lauren Sudeall Lucas


Here's Why Equal Protection May Not Protect Everyone Equally, Lauren Sudeall Lucas


Milwaukee Case Could Encourage Gun Stores to Reduce Illegal Sales, Timothy D. Lytton

Incorporating Experiential Education Throughout the Curriculum, Deborah Maranville, Cynthia Batt, Lisa Radtke Bliss, and Carolyn Wilkes Kaas

Building on Best Practices: Transforming Legal Education in a Changing World, Deborah Maranville, Lisa Radtke Bliss, Carolyn Wilkes Kaas, and Antoinette Sedillo Lopez


New Orleans' Recovery Is an Inspiring and Cautionary Tale for American Cities, John T. Marshall, Ann-Margaret Esnard, and Ryan M. Rowberry