
Publications from 2011

The Court: A Talk With Judge Richard Posner, Eric J. Segall

The Internet as a Game Changer: Reevaluating the True Threats Doctrine, Eric J. Segall

Redistributive Policing, Nirej S. Sekhon

Willing Suspects & Docile Defendants: The Contradictory Role of Consent in Criminal Procedure, Nirej S. Sekhon

Bias and the Bar: Evaluating the ABA Ratings of Federal Judicial Nominees, Susan Navarro Smelcer, Amy Steigerwalt, and Richard L. Vining Jr.

A Child Rights-Based Approach to Reconstruction in Haiti, Jonathan Todres

At the Crossroads: Children's Rights and the U.S. Government, Jonathan Todres

Beyond the Bedside: A Human Rights Approach to Adolescent Health, Jonathan Todres


Mainstreaming Children's Rights in Post-Disaster Settings, Jonathan Todres

Moving Upstream: The Merits of a Public Health Law Approach to Human Trafficking, Jonathan Todres

Widening Our Lens: Incorporating Essential Perspectives in the Fight against Human Trafficking, Jonathan Todres


Flawed Assumptions: A Corporate Law Analysis of Free Speech and Corporate Personhood in Citizens United, Anne M. Tucker

Guest Blogger, Anne M. Tucker


A Trade Secret Approach to Protecting Traditional Knowledge, Deepa Varadarajan

From Slavery to Obama: The Affirmative Action Revolution, Tanya M. Washington

Suffer Not the Little Children: Prioritizing Children's Rights in Constitutional Challenges to "Same-Sex Adoption Bans", Tanya M. Washington

Combating the Teleological Drift of Life Insurance Solvency Regulation: The Case for a Meta-Risk Management Approach to Principles-Based Reserving, Robert Weber

Prep Talk, Harold Weston

My CONELL Experience for the Southeastern Law Librarian, Austin Martin Williams

Learning and Teaching, Jack F. Williams

Ponzi Schemes Part III, Jack F. Williams

Ponzi Schemes Part IV, Jack F. Williams

TOUSA: The Importance of Reasonably Equivalent Value in Fraudulent Transfer Law, Jack F. Williams

Lessons Virtually Learned: The Evolution of an Online Course, Patrick Wiseman

Valuing Lives: Allocating Scarce Medical Resources During a Public Health Emergency and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Leslie E. Wolf and Wendy Hensel

Federal Wealth Transfer Taxes, Kevin M. Yamamoto and Samuel A. Donaldson

Publications from 2010

Dining with Tax Collectors: Reducing the Tax Gap through Church-Government Partnerships, W Edward Afield

Would an Opt In Requirement Fix the Class Action Settlement? Evidence from the Fair Labor Standards Act, Charlotte S. Alexander

Uniform Probate Code and Uniform Trust Code in a Nutshell, Lawrence H. Averill Jr. and Mary F. Radford

Allowing Patients to Waive the Right to Sue for Medical Malpractice: A Response to Thaler and Sunstein, Tom Baker and Timothy D. Lytton

Children's Health Rights and the "Double Burden" of Disease, Recent Developments in Health Care Law: Partners in Innovation, Roberta M. Berry J.D., Ph.D; Lisa R. Bliss; Sylvia B. Caley; Paul Lombardo; Jerri Nims Rooker; Jonathan Todres; and Leslie E. Wolf


A Proposal for an Elective Tax Benefits Transfer System, Ronald W. Blasi


ABA Supports Retooling Immigration Court System, Lisa Radtke Bliss


Class Action Challenge to N.Y. Public Defender System Moves Forward, Lisa Radtke Bliss


Looking at the Initial Client Meeting through an Interdisciplinary Lens: Applying Lessons from the Medical Profession to Law Teaching and Practice, Lisa Radtke Bliss


Representing Clients with Limited English Proficiency, Lisa Radtke Bliss


Restrictions on Legal Aid Organizations Do Not Violate First Amendment, Lisa Radtke Bliss

States Weigh Disclosure of Liability Insurance Status to Clients, Lisa Radtke Bliss

Medical-Legal Partnerships to Improve the Health and Well-being of Patients: Promising Collaborative Initiatives, Lisa Radtke Bliss and Sylvia B. Caley

Health Care Reform Supplements Community Benefit Standard for Tax-Exempt Hospitals, Cassady V. Brewer and Amita Sanghvi


Overcoming Defiance of the Constitution: The Need for a Federal Role in Protecting the Right to Counsel in Georgia, Stephen B. Bright and Lauren Sudeall Lucas

Sewers: Infra Dig and Infra Dug, James L. Bross

The Development of Consumer Protection Law, the Institutionalization of Consumerism, & Future Prospects & Perils, Mark E. Budnitz


Book Review, Guide to Global Real Estate Investment Trusts, Margaret Butler

Book Review, Navigating Legal Research & Technology: Quick Reference Guide to the 1,500 Most Common Questions about Traditional and Online Legal Research, Margaret Butler

Book Review, Privilege Issues in the Age of Electronic Discovery, Margaret Butler


My Conference Experience: Boulder & AALL, 2010, Meg Butler


New Format, New Editors, Meg Butler

The Consumer Bankruptcy Panel: Views from the Bench - Five Years of BAPCPA, M. G. Diehl and Jack F. Williams

2010 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

Recent Developments - 2009, Samuel A. Donaldson

Recent Developments in the Taxation of Individuals, Samuel A. Donaldson

Book Review, Force & Freedom: Kant's Legal & Political Philosophy, William A. Edmundson

Political Authority, Moral Powers and the Intrinsic Value of Obedience, William A. Edmundson

"When is Using a Firearm Not Really?" - An Eminent Philosopher Helps Us Decide, William A. Edmundson

The Tale of TOUSA: New Lender Liability without a Savings Clause, Jessica Gabel

Can Congress Ban People from Threatening to Burn the Quran? Yes: No Rights are Absolute, Especially Amid Legitimate Safety Issues, Jessica D. Gabel

Consumer Bureau Needs Firm Manager, Jessica D. Gabel

Forensiphilia: Is Public Fascination with Forensic Science a Love Affair or a Fatal Attraction, Jessica D. Gabel


Hustler Law Will Damage Access, Jessica D. Gabel

Probable Cause from Probable Bonds: A Genetic Tattle Tale Based on Familial DNA, Jessica D. Gabel

Pro & Con: Should Congress Adopt a New Tax Credit for Buying a Home? Yes: No Recovery is Possible if Homeowners Lose Their Homes, Jessica D. Gabel

Stoneridge Investment Partners, LLC v. Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.: The Evisceration of Investor Protection, William A. Gregory and Sherri Johnson

The Regulation of Genetic Aspects of Donated Reproductive Tissue - The Need for Federal Regulation, Yaniv Heled


Vouchers for Students with Disabilities: The Future of Special Education?, Wendy F. Hensel


Is the Health Care Law Likely to be Held Constitutional? Yes., L. Lynn Hogue

The Constitutional Obligation to Adjudicate Petitions for Same-Sex Divorce and the Dissolution of Civil Unions and Analogous Same-Sex Relationships: Prolegomenon to a Brief, L. Lynn Hogue

Cancellation Workflow, Trina Holloway

Georgia Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated Bibliography, Nancy P. Johnson and Ronald E. Wheeler

A 2020 View of Urban Infrastructure: An Introduction and Thank You, Julian C. Juergensmeyer


Rainwater Recapture: Development Regulations Promoting Water Conservation, Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Loving Growth Management in the Time of Recession, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and James C. Nicholas


Elena Kagan Can't Say That: The Sorry State of Political Discourse Regarding Constitutional Interpretation, Neil J. Kinkopf

Historical Development and Practice of Eugenics, Paul A. Lombardo

The Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2008, Recent Developments in Health Care Law: Partners in Innovation, Paul A. Lombardo

Doubts About Death, Lauren Sudeall Lucas


An Educational Approach to School Food: Using Nutrition Standards to Promote Healthy Dietary Habits, Timothy D. Lytton

Banning Front-of-Package Food Labels: First Amendment Constraints on Public Health Policy, Timothy D. Lytton


Regulating Front-of-Package Nutrition Labels, Part 1 of 3: Better Enforcement of Existing Standards, Timothy D. Lytton


Regulating Front-of-Package Nutrition Labels, Part 2 of 3: Developing New Minimum Standards for Complex Rating Schemes, Timothy D. Lytton


Regulating Front-of-Package Nutrition Labels, Part 3 of 3: Objections to the Imposition of a Single FDA Scheme, Timothy D. Lytton

Signs of Change or Clash of Symbols? FDA Regulation of Nutrient Profile Labeling, Timothy D. Lytton


Why Is There So Much Unhealthy Food in Schools? Inadequate Public Funding and the Sale of Competitive Foods as a Revenue Source, Timothy D. Lytton

ABI's Bankruptcy Appeals Manual: Winning Your Bankruptcy Appeal, Samuel R. Maizel and Jessica D. Gabel


A Tale of One CALI Lesson: Librarians Share a New Approach, Terrance K. Manion and Ronald E. Wheeler

The Havasupai Indian Tribe Case - Lessons for Research Involving Stored Biologic Samples, Michelle M. Mello and Leslie E. Wolf

Cooperation and Plea Agreements - Professors and Practitioners, Caren Morrison, Gerald Shargel, Barbara Sale, Christopher Brown, Alan Vinegrad, Jan Rostal, and Cris Arguedas

Teaching Better Research Skills by Teaching Metacognitive Ability, Kristina L. Niedringhaus

Where Stem Cell Research Meets Abortion Politics: Limits on Buying and Selling Human Oocytes, Michelle Oberman, Leslie E. Wolf, and Patti Zettler

Federal Employer Sanctions as Immigration Federalism, Darcy M. Pottle

Wills, Trusts, Guardianships, & Fiduciary Administration, Mary F. Radford

Clutching a Home-Run Recovery from a Shortstop Transferee and the Single-Satisfaction Umpire, Patricia A. Redmond and Jessica D. Gabel

Dirty Dishes, Dirty Laundry, and Windy Mills: A Framework for Regulation of Clean Energy Devices, LaVonda N. Reed-Huff

Should the Federal Government Enact Regulations to Protect the Right to Install Windmills and Other Clean Energy Devices? Perhaps It Will Have To, LaVonda N. Reed-Huff

Healthcare Reform Creates Pathway for Biosimilar Biologics, Frederick H. Rein, Scott A. Warren, and Yaniv Heled


A Brief History of Coptic Personal Status Law, Ryan Rowberry and John Khalil

Book Review, A Tragedy of Democracy: Japanese Confinement in North America, Natsu T. Saito


Decolonization, Development, and Denial, Natsu Taylor Saito

International Law: America's Selective Self-Exemption, Natsu Taylor Saito

Internments, Then & Now: Constitutional Accountability in Post-9/11 America, Natsu Taylor Saito