A Liberal's Lament on Kagan and Health Care
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Doing the right thing is easy when nothing important is at stake. Doing the right thing is much harder when there is a lot to lose. Elena Kagan is a loyal Democrat who owes her Supreme Court appointment to President Barack Obama.* She is poised to review the constitutionality of Obama’s health care statute, which, if invalidated, might do serious damage to his re-election campaign as well as the Democratic Party. Even though it would be a hard decision to make, Elena Kagan should recuse herself from hearing challenges to the act.
Recommended Citation
Eric J. Segall, A Liberal's Lament on Kagan and Health Care, Slate (Dec. 8, 2011), available at http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2011/12/obamacare_and_the_supreme_court_should_elena_kagan_recuse_herself_.html.
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Eric J. Segall,
A Liberal's Lament on Kagan and Health Care,
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