Addressing the Opioid Crisis


Abbe R. Gluck

Streaming Media

Document Type



Spring 3-27-2018


Just as there are multiple causes that led to the opioid crisis, there are multiple intersections of response needed to address it, said Abbe R. Gluck, professor of law and the faculty director of the Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy at Yale Law School at Georgia State Law’s Order of the Coif Distinguished Visitor Lecture on March 27.

“Law alone can’t solve a public health crisis of this scale, but as lawyers, our hope is law whether legislative, regulatory or litigation can be as productive a partner as possible,” she said.

One important way litigation is helping is by framing a narrative about responsibility in the opioid crisis. Initially, lawsuits were primarily brought against drug manufacturers and doctors, but plaintiffs have begun to cast a broader net, holding a lot more entities responsible, including pharmacies and drug distributors.

“These entities might not have seen their role before to watch and raise red flags, but now with lawsuits and settlements they may be re-conceiving how they see their role going forward,” Gluck said.
