The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program CLE

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Attorneys, law students, health practitioners, and graduate or professional health students are invited to attend this program which will highlight distinctive aspects of litigation brought under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Due to recent events, vaccine litigation has received national attention. Whether Congress will expand redressable injuries under the Vaccine Act in light of that attention is unclear. Vaccine litigation is a vital and emerging field of federal law. These cases are often complex, involving cutting-edge immunology and complicated legal issues. To date, total vaccine injury awards exceed $4 billion. Unique provisions of law sometimes permit legal counsel to recover fees and costs even where no compensation is awarded to the petitioner.

Congress established the Vaccine Program as a no-fault compensation program whereby individuals suffering injury as a result of the administration of certain vaccines can petition for compensation. Congress intended that the Vaccine Program provided individuals with a less adversarial alternative to the often costly and lengthy civil arena of traditional tort litigation. These claims are within the jurisdiction of the United States Court of Federal Claims, specifically, the Office of Special Masters.
