Peach Sheets
PUBLIC UTILITIES AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Distribution, Storage, and Sale of Gas: Allow 90 days for Commission Orders After a Hearing Regarding Electric Fuel Cost Recovery or Adoption or Amendment of Natural Gas Capacity Supply Plans; Authorize the Public Service Commission to Seek an Injunction Against the Violation of any Law Administered by the Commission; Change Accounting Procedures for Gas Utility Rate Proceedings; Clarify the Authority of the Commission to Initiate Proceedings to Detennine Certain Rates; Provide a Bill of Rights for Consumers; Provide for a Continuing Requirement of Financial and Technical Ability for Marketers; Prohibit Certain Methods Relating to Billing and Reading Meters; Provide that EMC Gas Affiliates are Eligible to Receive Certificates of Authority as Marketers; Provide for Terms and Conditions Governing the Relationship Between an Electric Membership Corporation and its EMC Gas Affiliate; Provide for a Reasonable Method of Rate Design; Provide that a Fee for Distribution Services Shall not be Required for Certain Billing Periods; Change a Provision Relating to an Electing Distribution Company's Revenues from Interruptible Distribution Service and Authorize a Surcharge on Certain Customers Receiving Interruptible Service; Require a Hearing Relating to Assignment of Interstate Capacity Assets; Set Out Minimum Requirements for Assignment of Interstate Capacity Assets and Provide for Authorizing Utilization of Excess Interstate Capacity Assets by an Electing Distribution Company; Authorize the Commission to Allocate the Cost of Lost and Unaccounted for Gas; Clarify and Change Provisions Relating to Changing Marketers; Change a Provision Relating to the Amount of Deposits Charged to Natural Gas Consumers; Require an Electing Distribution Company to Cooperate with Certificated Marketers and the Regulated Provider; Provide for Service Quality Standards for Electing Distribution Companies, Commission Review of Performance with Regard to such Standards, and Penalties; Set Rules Governing Marketers' Terms of Service, Disclosure by Marketers, the Contents of Consumer Bills, and Review for Compliance with such Rules; Create Remedies for Consumers Detained to be Victims of Slamming; Prohibit Estimated Bills, Unreasonable Late Fees, and Retroactive Rate Increases; Set Minimum Standards for Terms and Conditions for Certain Nonresidential Customers and Small Businesses; Assist Low Income Residential Consumers with Voluntary Contributions; Create the Natural Gas Consumer Education Advisory Board and Provide for the Duty, Members, Officers, Appointment of Members, and Expenses of Members of such Board; Provide for the Terms, Conditions, Rates, and Customers for Regulated Gas Services; Allow Reimbursements from the Universal Service Fund in Certain Circumstances
Buddy Toliver and Jodie White