Volume 10, Issue 1 (1993) September 1993
Peach Sheets
PROPERTY Commercial Real Estate Broker Lien Act: Provide for Civil Actions to Enforce Liens of Commercial Real Estate Brokers
Glenn D. Baker
EVIDENCE Best Evidence Rule: Revise Georgia Best Evidence Rule Relating to Admissibility of Reproduction Made in the Regular Course of Business
Gregory S. Esslinger
BANKING AND FINANCE Financial Institutions: Provide for Licensing of Mortgage Lenders and Mortgage Brokers
J. Antonio DelCampo
EVIDENCE Witness Generally: Limit Circumstances in Which Pharmacists May be Required to Release Medical Information About Patients
James R. Westbury Jr.
TORTS General Provisions: Provide Immunity to Dental Students
James R. Westbury Jr.
TORTS General Provisions: Provide Immunity to Physicians Providing Uncompensated Services to Nonprofessional Athletes
James R. Westbury Jr.
PENAL INSTITUTIONS General Provisions: Provide for Victim Notification by the Commissioner of Corrections
Janice D. Ward
PENAL INSTITUTIONS Sentence and Punishment: Provide for the Imposition of Life Without Parole
JoAnne D. Spotts
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Sentencing and Punishment: Permit Judicial Consideration of Certain Evidence and Testimony in Cases Where the Death Penalty May be Imposed
Katharyne C. Johnson
PROPERTY Mortgages, Liens, and Security: Provide for Notice of Lien Rights to Owners of Real Property, Contractors, and Providers of Labor, Services or Materials
Katharyne C. Johnson
PENAL INSTITUTIONS Jails: Prohibit Delivering Drugs, Alcohol, or Weapons to Inmates
Marlo Orlin Leach
PROPERTY Acquisition and Loss of Property: Allow Automatic Renewal of Covenants Running With the Land
Marlo Orlin Leach
PROPERTY Historic Preservation: Prohibit Power of Eminent Domain from Creating, Altering, or Affecting Conservation Easements
Michael Paul Stevens
DOMESTIC RELATIONS Parent and Child Relationship Generally: Revise Provisions Related to Determination of Paternity
Nicki Noel Vaughan
WILLS, TRUSTS, AND ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES Year's Support: Define the Term "Child" for Purposes of Year's Support
Nicki Noel Vaughan
CORPORATIONS, PARTNERSHIPS, AND ASSOCIATIONS Business Corporations: Modify or Add Certain Definitions and Procedures Relating to Corporations
Pamela G. Sullivan
CRIMES AND OFFENSES Crimes Against the Person: Prohibit Stalking of an Intended Victim
Peggy Ochandarena
DOMESTIC RELATIONS Family Violence: Provide for State-Wide Enforcement of Protective Orders
Peggy Ochandarena
Table of Georgia Code Sections Affected
Georgia State University Law Review
BANKING AND FINANCE Affiliate Transfers: Amend Definitions to Include Affiliated Banks Authorized to Exercise Trust Powers
Georgia State University Law Review
CIVIL PRACTICE Actions Generally: Provide for Notice of Civil Recovery Action Involving Recipients of Medical Assistance
Georgia State University Law Review
COMMERCE AND TRADE Creation and Nature of Agency Relationship: Provide for Grants of Conditional Power of Attorney
Georgia State University Law Review
COMMERCIAL CODE Revisions to Article 9 Filing: Require Filing Statements and Central Indexing Priority Among Conflicting Security Interests
Georgia State University Law Review
CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES Waste Management: Require Compilation of Inventory of Hazardous Sites in Georgia and Require Disclosure of Property Owners of Hazardous Waste Contamination
Georgia State University Law Review
CORPORATIONS, PARTNERSHIPS, AND ASSOCIATIONS Limited Liability Company Act: Provide for the Formation of Limited Liability Companies
Georgia State University Law Review
COURTS Georgia Court-annexed Alternative Dispute Resolution Act: Create and Fund Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs in Each County in Georgia
Georgia State University Law Review
CRIMES AND OFFENSES Littering Public and Private Property: Prohibit Dumping of Waste
Georgia State University Law Review
CRIMES AND OFFENSES Offenses Against Minors: Prohibit the Electronic Furnishing of Obscene Material to Minors
Georgia State University Law Review
CRIMES AND OFFENSES Offenses Against Public Order and Safety: Provide for Consent to Intercept, Record, or Divulge Message Sent by Telephone, Telegraph, Letter, or Other Means Such as Cellular Phones When Involving a Minor
Georgia State University Law Review
DOMESTIC RELATIONS Child Custody Proceedings and Enforcement Duty to Support: Provide for Temporary Custody Awards Pending Final Custody Judgment and Require Certain Employers to Report the Hiring and Rehiring of Certain Employees to the Department of Human Resources for Child Support Enforcement Purposes
Georgia State University Law Review
LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Workers' Compensation: Provide for Premium Discount to Employers Who Maintain a Drug-free Workplace and Revise Other Aspects of the System
Georgia State University Law Review
LOCAL GOVERNMENT Zoning Procedures: Clarify Hearing Procedures for Adopting Zoning Ordinances
Georgia State University Law Review
CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES Water Resources: Amend Provisions Concerning Failure to Submit Plan to Eliminate Combined Sewer Overflows
Georgia State University Law Review
Table of Georgia Code Sections Affected
Georgia State University Law Review
House and Senate Bill Index
Georgia State University Law Review