Register HERE : Symposium will occur as scheduled despite recent winter weather.

Georgia State University Law Review Symposium

Friday, February 27, 2015
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
The Carter Center
5.5 Hours of CLE Credit

The Georgia State University College of Law will hold a one-day symposium on February 27, 2015 to examine the different ways in which lawyers assess the risk associated with litigation, and the ways these tactics impact settlement negotiations. Attorneys must be able to make value judgments and provide clients with an in-depth analysis of their chances of success in order to make decisions about how to reach a resolution.

Keynote Speaker: Kenneth Feinberg, Feinberg Rozen, LLP

Mr. Feinberg is an attorney and one of the nation’s leading experts in mediation and alternative dispute resolution. He is the managing partner of Feinberg Rozen, LLP. He was appointed by the Attorney General of the United States to serve as the Special Master of the Federal September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001. Mr. Feinberg was the Fund Administrator responsible for the design, implementation and administration of the claims process for the GM Ignition Switch Program and the Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund following the tragic shootings at Virginia Tech University in 2007. Mr. Feinberg has also been a Court-Appointed Special Settlement Master, mediator and arbitrator in thousands of disputes.

Panel 1: State of the Settlement Landscape

The first panel will feature experienced jurists sharing their perspectives on how litigation practices have changed over the years and what drives settlement as opposed to carrying cases out to trial.

Panel 2: “Legal Moneyball” and Other Uncertainty-Reducing Tools

The second panel will examine existing and emerging tools for analyzing and narrowing risk as it pertains to settlement decision making and predicting outcomes at trial. This panel will have a multi-disciplinary focus with speakers discussing analytical, psychological, and practical tools available to attorneys in this area. The tools discussed will range from quantitative legal risk analysis and prediction to mock trials and jury verdict reports.

Panel 3: Competing Interests in the Settlement Game

The third and final panel will consist of general counsel from several well-respected, Georgia-based companies and will provide a real-world perspective on how the client’s interests in the settlement process may diverge from an outside lawyer’s examination of the risks and probability of success at trial. These considerations may include a client’s general level of risk-averseness, public reputation and perception, and the implications for future litigation.

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