Volume 8, Issue 1 (1992) January 1992
Wrongful Repossession in Georgia
A. Craig Cleland
Peach Sheets
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Sentence and Punishment: Regulation of HIV Testing in AIDS-Transmitting Crimes
Carol Ann Hendry
SOCIAL SERVICES Programs and Protection for Children and Youth: Control Who May Have Access to Records Concerning Child Abuse Reports
Carol Ann Hendry
CRIMES AND OFFENSES Offenses Against Public Administration: Provide Definition of Bribery of a Public Official or Employee
Daniel R. King
PROPERTY Mortgages, Liens, and Security: Provide Restrictions and Forms for Lien Waivers and Release
Daniel R. King
HEALTH Comprehensive Nursing Home Legislation
Jill M. Wood
HEALTH Vital Records: Revise Birth Certificate, Death Certificate and Disposition Permit Requirements
Julia H. Powell
WILLS, TRUSTS, AND ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES Estates: Establish Additional Means by Which Children Born Out of Wedlock May Inherit
Mary McCall Cash
WILLS, TRUSTS, AND ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES Wills: Effect of a Will Lost Before the Death of the Testator
Mary McCall Cash
WILLS, TRUSTS, AND ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES Year's Support: Change Determination of Year's Support
Mary McCall Cash
MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Uniform Rules of the Road: Provide for Application of Uniform Rules of the Road to Vehicles Operated Within Privately Owned Residential Areas
Michael H. Friedman
MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Uniform Rules of the Road; Prohibit Car Sound Device That Can Be Heard More Than 100 Feet from the Motor Vehicle
Michael H. Friedman
MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Uniform Rules of the Road: Provide Criminal Penalty for Vehicular Feticide
R. Linley Jones
INSURANCE Authorization and General Requirements for Transaction of Insurance: Establish New Procedures to Ensure the Financial Stability of Insurance Companies
Robert S. Anderson
COMMERCE AND TRADE Selling and Other Trade Practices: Prohibit Requested Information as a Condition of Sale
Scott P. Hilsen
REVENUE AND TAXATION Chapter 7A: Provide Tax Credit for Certain Persons Whose Adjusted Gross Income Does Not Exceed $19,999
Susan L. Daniels
EDUCATION Education Legislation
Georgia State University Law Review
Table of Georgia Code Sections Affected
Georgia State University Law Review
House and Senate Bill Index
Georgia State University Law Review