
Volume 25, Issue 1 (2008) Fall 2008

Peach Sheets


CRIMES AND OFFENSES Offenses Against Public Order and Safety: Provide a Short Title; Amend Part 1 of Article 4 of Chapter 11 of Title 16 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Relating to Dangerous Instrumentalities and Practices, so as to Provide for a Felony for Soliciting, Persuading, Encouraging, or Enticing any Dealer to Transfer or Otherwise Convey a Firearm to Anyone Other than the Actual Buyer; Amend Part 3 of Article 4 of Chapter 11 of Title 16 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Relating to the Carrying and Possession of Firearms, so as to Change Certain Provisions Relating to Carrying Deadly Weapons to or at Public Gatherings; Provide for Constables to Carry Pistols in Publicly Owned or Operated Buildings; Exempt Constables from the Prohibition of Carrying Weapons Within School Safety Zones, at School Functions, or on School Property; Change Certain Provisions Regarding the Transportation and Carrying of Certain Firearms; Prohibit the Carrying of Firearms and Other Weapons into Certain Buildings; Provide a Definition; Authorize the Carrying of Firearms in Certain Locations; Require the Timely Issuance of Firearm Licenses; Prohibit Certain Employers from Searching the Private Vehicles of Employees; Prohibit Employers from Conditioning Employment Based upon Certain Regulations Regarding the Possession of a Firearm; Provide Exceptions; Provide Certain Immunity for Employers; Provide for Civil Remedies; Provide for the Timely Issuance of Firearms Permits and Licenses; Provide for Remedies for Failure to Receive Firearms Permits or Licenses Under Certain Circumstances; Prohibit the Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages while Carrying a Firearm Under Certain Circumstances; Amend Title 51 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Relating to Torts, so as to Provide Certain Immunity from Liability for Certain Persons and Entities that Voluntarily and Without Compensation Assist State Agencies During Times of Declared Emergencies; Provide for Related Matters; Repeal Conflicting Laws; and for Other Purposes
Georgia State University Law Review


HEALTH State Health Planning and Development: Amend Title 31 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Relating to Health, so as to Provide for Extensive Revision of the Certificate of Need Program; Revise and Add Definitions; Revise the Declaration of Policy for State Health Planning; Revise the Composition and Duties of the Health Strategies Council; Revise the Duties of the Department of Community Health; Revise Provisions Relating to Requirements for Certificate of Need; Provide for Destination Cancer Hospitals; Allow for Set Times to Accept Applications for Capital Projects; Provide for the Establishment of Conditions for Approval of a Certificate of Need; Change Certain Provisions Relating to Perinatal Services; Provide for Certain Facilities to Divide; Change Certain Provisions Relating to Considerations; Provide for a Letter of Intent for Proposed New Clinical Health Services; Provide for Batching and Comparative Review of Applications for Clinical Health services; Revise Provisions Relating to Time Frames for Review of Applications; Provide for the Imposition of a Temporary Moratorium on the Issuance of Certificates of Need for New and Emerging Health Care Services; Reassign the Hearing Functions from the Health Planning Review Board to a Certificate of Need Appeal Panel; Revise Provisions Relating to Judicial Review of Final Agency Decision; Add Grounds for Which a Certificate of Need May Be Revoked; Provide That a Portion of a Certificate of Need May Be Revoked Under Certain Circumstances; Increase the Penalties for Services Conducted Without a Required Certificate of Need; Provide for Investigating Authority of the Department; Provide That Applicants for Certificates of Need May Be Required to Participate as a Provider of Medical Assistance for Purposes of Medicaid; Change Certain Provisions Relating to an Annual Report; Add, Revise, and Delete Certain Exemptions to the Certificate of Need Requirements; Authorize the Department of Community Health to Require Notice and its Certification That an Activity Is Exempt from the Certificate of Need Requirements; Provide for the Transfer of Certain Functions Relating to the State Health Plan to the Board of Community Health from the Health Strategies Council; Abolish the Health Planning Review Board; Transfer Pending Matters of the Health Planning Review Board to the Certificate of Need Appeal Panel; Revise a Provision Relating to Application of Review Procedures to Expenditures Under a Federal Law; Require Health Care Facilities and Other Entities to Submit Annual Reports to the Department of Community Health; Increase the Penalties for Untimely and Incomplete Reports; Transfer Licensing of Hospitals and Other Health Care Facilities from the Department of Human Resources to the Department of Community Health; Provide for Transition; Provide for Licensure Standards on a Clinical Service Level for Hospitals and Related Institutions; Amend Various Other Titles of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated so as Revise Provisions for Purposes of Conformity; Provide for Related Matters; Provide for an Effective Date; Repeal Conflicting Laws; and for Other Purposes
Georgia State University Law Review


Table of Georgia Code Sections Affected
Georgia State University Law Review


House and Senate Bill Index
Georgia State University Law Review