
Volume 22, Issue 1 (2005) Fall 2005

Peach Sheets


COURTS Juries: Enact the "Criminal Justice Act of 2005"; Provide for a Short Title; Provide that the Denial of a Defendant's Motion to Recuse May Be Subject to Interlocutory Appeal; Provide that the State May Appeal from an Order, Decision, or Judgment of a Superior Court Granting a Motion for New Trial or Denying a Motion by the State to Recuse or Disqualify a Judge; Provide the State and the Accused with the Same Number of Peremptory Challenges in Misdemeanor, Felony, and Death Penalty Cases and in Challenging Alternate Jurors; Provide the Manner in Which Peremptory Challenges Are Made; Change the Size of the Jury Panel in Felony and Death Penalty Cases; Provide for Excuses for Cause Under Certain Circumstances; Provide the Manner in Which the Number of Alternative Jurors is Determined; Provide for Additional Peremptory Challenges in Trials for Jointly Indicted Defendants; Provide that the Prosecuting Attorney Shall Always Conclude the Argument to the Jury; Provide that Provisions Relating to Discovery Apply to Sentencing Proceedings; Change Certain Provisions Relating to Discovery; Change the Provisions Relating to When a Witness Has Been Impeached; Provide for the Impeachment of Witnesses Through Evidence of Conviction of a Crime and Bad Character; Provide for the Admission of Specific Instances of Conduct by a Witness; Provide for Other Matters Relative to the Foregoing; Provide for Applicability; Repeal Conflicting Laws; and for Other Purposes
Georgia State University Law Review


ELECTIONS Georgia Ethics in Government Act: Amend the Georgia Ethics in Government Act so as to Provide for the Comprehensive Revision of Provisions Regarding Ethics and Conflicts of Interest; Provide for and Change Certain Definitions; Change Certain Provisions Relative to Declaration of Policy; Change Certain Provisions Relating to the Ethics Commission; Provide for the Timely Issuance of Advisory Opinions by the State Ethics Commission and Other Matters Relative to Advisory Opinions; Change Provisions Relating to the State Ethics Commission Including its Administrative Attachment to the Secretary of State's Office; Change Provisions Relating to Mailing Complaints; Provide for Rule Making with Regard to Technical Defects in Financial Disclosure Statements; Change Certain Provisions Regarding Connected Organizations; Create Certain Restrictions on Receipt or Award of State Contracts; Change Certain Provisions Regarding Contributions Made to Candidates and the Location Where Certain Reports Are Filed; Change Provisions Relating to Contributions or Expenditures Other Than Through Candidates or Campaign Committees and Disclosure of Extensions of Credit; Change Certain Provisions Regarding Disclosure Reports; Change Certain Certain Provisions Regarding Electronic Filing of Reports; Change Certain Provisions Relating to Acceptance of Campaign Contributions During Legislative Sessions; Change Certain Provisions Relating to Maximum Allowable Contributions; Change Certain Provisions Relating to Accounting for and Expenditure of Campaign Contributions; Change Certain Provisions Relating to Filing of Financial Disclosure Statements; Change Provisions Relating to Filing by Mail; Change Certain provisions Relating to Lobbyist Registration; Change Provisions Relating to Lobbyist Disclosure Reports and the Contents Thereof and the Definition of Lobbyist; Create Provisions Relating to a Lobbyist Eligibility for Certain Appointments; Provide for Restrictions for Lobbying Activities for Certain Persons; Provide Restrictions for Lobbyists Relating to Contingency Agreements; Provide for Restrictions for Lobbyists Relating to Presence on the Floor of the House of Representatives and Senate; Correct Cross-references; Create the Joint Legislative Ethics Committee; Provide for Powers and Duties of the Committee; Provide for the Initiation of Complaints; Provide for Anti-nepotism Provisions; Provide for Penalties; Provide for Restrictions on the Governor's Appointment Power Under Certain Circumstances; Repeal Conflicting Laws; and for Other Purposes
Georgia State University Law Review


LOCAL GOVERNMENT Act to Incorporate the City of Sandy Springs; Incorporate the City of Sandy Springs in Fulton County; Provide for a Charter for the City of Sandy Springs; Provide for Incorporation, Boundaries, and Powers of the City; Provide for General Powers and Limitations on Powers; Provide for a Governing Authority of Such City and the Powers, Duties, Authority, Election, Terms, Method of Filing Vacancies, Compensation, Expenses, Qualifications, Prohibitions, and Districts Relative to Members of Such Governing Authority; Provide for Inquiries and Investigations; Provide for Organization and Procedures; Provide for Ordinances; Provide for the Office of Mayor and Certain Duties and Powers Relative to the Office of Mayor; Provide for Administrative Responsibilities; Provide for Boards, Commissions, and Authorities; Provide for a City Manager, a City Attorney, a City Clerk, a Tax Collector, a City Accountant, and Other Personnel; Provide for a Municipal Court and the Judge or Judges Thereof; Provide for Practices and Procedures; Provide for Ethics and Disclosures; Provide for Taxation, Licenses and Fees; Provide for Franchises, Service Charges, and Assessments; Provide for Bonded and Other Indebtedness; Provide for Accounting and Budgeting; Provide for Purchases; Provide for Homestead Exceptions; Provide for Bonds for Officials; Provide for Other Matters Relative to the Foregoing; Provide for a Referendum; Provide Effective Dates and Transitional Provisions Governing the Transfer of Various Functions and Responsibilities from Fulton County to the City of Sandy Springs; Provide for Severability; Repeal Conflicting Laws; and for Other Purposes
Georgia State University Law Review


Table of Georgia Code Sections Affected
Georgia State University Law Review


House and Senate Bill Index
Georgia State University Law Review