
Volume 21, Issue 1 (2004) Fall 2004

Peach Sheets


HEALTH, TORTS, AND CIVIL PRACTICE Georgia Hospital and Medical Liability Insurance Authority Act: Provide for Legislative Findings with Respect to a Crisis in the Field of Hospital and Medical Liability Insurance; Address This Crisis Through Provision of Insurance and Certain Civil Justice Reforms; Create the Georgia Hospital and Medical Liability Insurance Authority; Provide for the Members of the Authority and Their Selection, Service, and Terms of Office; Provide for the Filling of Vacancies; Provide for the Powers, Duties, Operations, and Financial Affairs of the Authority; Provide for the General Purpose of the Authority; Prescribe Standards Relating to Vicarious Liability of Medical Facilities for Actions of Health Care Providers; Provide for Limited Liability for Certain Medical Facilities and Health Care Providers for Treatment of Certain Emergency Conditions Under Certain Conditions; Provide for Qualifications of Experts; Change Provisions Relating to the Allocation of Liability and Recovery of Damages in Tort Actions; Provide for the Degree of Care Expected of Medical Professionals in an Emergency Room Setting; Provide for the Consideration by the Jury or Other Trier of Fact of Certain Factors Affecting This Care in Determining Whether Defendants Met This Degree or Standard of Care; Require the Approval by the Commissioner of Insurance of All medical Malpractice Rates, Rating Plans, Rating Systems, and underwriting Rules Prior to These Rates, Rating Plans, Rating Systems, and Underwriting Rules Becoming Effective; Change Certain Provisions Relating to Actions Against Certain Codefendants Residing in Different Counties; Change Provisions Relating to the Required Filing of Affidavits in Professional malpractice Actions; Provide for other Related Matters; Repeal Conflicting Laws; and for Other Purposes
David Boohaker, Jon Gallant, Ramsey Knowles, and A. Robin Teal


EDUCATION Elementary and Postsecondary Education: Change the Reporting System and Method for Determining Eligibility for HOPE Scholarships, Other Scholarships, Grants, or Loan Assistance and for Certain Postsecondary Courses and Advanced Placement Courses for Students Enrolling as Freshmen in Eligible Public or Private Postsecondary Institutions on or After May 1, 2007; Add Public and Private Schools Accredited by the Southern Association of Independent Schools to the Definition of Eligible High Schools for the Purposes of the HOPE Program; Delete an Obsolete Reference; Revise and Add Definitions; Provide for Loss of Eligibility for the HOPE Scholarship for Any Student Who Does Not Poses at Least a Cumulative 3.0 Grade Point Average at the End of Each Spring Quarter or Semester; Provide for Loss of Eligibility for the Hope Scholarship for Any Part-Time Students Under Certain Conditions; Provide for Restoration of This Eligibility; Provide for HOPE Scholarships and HOPE Grants; Provide for Changes to the Amount of HOPE Scholarships at Private Institutions for Students Enrolled Less Than Full-Time; Provide for a Limitation on Quarter Hours or Semester Hours of Eligibility for HOPE Grants and Eligibility for Combined HOPE Scholarships and Grants; Provide for Exceptions; Create the HOPE Scholarship/Pre-K Legislative Oversight Committee; Provide for Membership and Duties of This Oversight Committee; Provide that Employees of Certain Organizations Are Residents of Georgia for Purposes of the HOPE Program; Provide for Changes to the Amount of Book Allowances and Fees for a HOPE Scholarship or Grant Under Certain Conditions; Provide for Related Matters; Repeal Conflicting Laws; and for Other Purposes
Georgia State University Law Review


ELECTIONS Georgia Ethics in Government Act: Amend the Georgia Ethics in Government Act so as to Provide for the Comprehensive Revision of Provisions Regarding Ethics and Conflicts of Interest; Provide for and Change Certain Definitions; Change Certain Provisions Relative to Declaration of Policy; Provide for the Timely Issuance of Advisory Opinions by the State Ethics Commission and Other Matters Relative to Advisory Opinions; Change Provisions Relating to the State Ethics Commission Including Its Administrative Attachment to the Secretary of State's Office; Change Provisions Relating to Mailing Complaints; Provide for Rule Making with Regard to Technical Defects in Financial Disclosure Statements; Change Certain Provisions Regarding Connected Organizations; Create Certain Restrictions on Receipt or Award of State Contracts; Change Certain Provisions Regarding Contributions Made to Candidates and the Location Where Certain Reports Are Filed; Change Certain Provisions Relating to Contributions of Expenditures Other Than Through Candidates or Campaign Committees and Disclosure of Extensions of Credit; Change Certain Provisions Regarding Disclosure Reports; Change Certain Provisions Relating to Disposition of Campaign Contributions; Change Certain Provisions Regarding Electronic Filing of Reports; Change Certain Provisions Relating to Acceptance of Campaign Contributions During Legislative Sessions; Change Certain Provisions Relating to Filing of Financial Disclosure Statements; Change Provisions Relating to Filing in Mail; Change Certain Provisions Relating to Lobbyist Disclosure Reports, the Contents Thereof, and the Definition of Lobbyist; Create Provisions Relating to a Lobbyist's Eligibility for Certain Appointments and Ability to Serve as a Public Employee; Create Conflict of Interest Provisions Relating to Gifts; Provide Restrictions for Lobbyists Relating to Presence on the Floor of the House and Senate; Provide for Candidates for the General Assembly Who File a Declaration of Intent to Accept Campaign Contributions to Receive and Choose to Sign a Pledge to Engage in Ethical Campaigning; Provide for Actions for Slander and Libel and the Commission's Authority Over This Activity; Correct Cross-References; Provide for Criminal Penalties; Change Provisions Relative to Appearances Before the Board of Pardons and Paroles by Members of the Generaly Assembly or State Elected or Appointed Officials; Change Certain Provisions Relating to Complaints or Information Regarding Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in State Programs and Operations; Change Certain Provisions Relating to the Code of Ethics for Members of Boards, Commissions, and Authories; Change Provisions Relating to a Board, Commission, or Authority's Authority to Enact Rules and Regulations; Provide for Restrictions on Activities for Persons Who Were Members, Employees, or Appointees of the Legislative, Executive, or Judicial Branch or Other Agencies or Authorities of the State; Provide for Penalties; Provide for Restrictions on the Governor's Appointment Power Under Certain Circumstances; Provide for an Effective Date; Repeal Conflicting Laws; and for Other Purposes
Georgia State University Law Review


REVENUE AND TAXATION State and Local Taxation, Financing, and Service Delivery Revision Act of 2004: Provide for the Comprehensive Revision of Provisions Relating to State and Local Taxation, Financing, and Service Delivery; Change Certain Provisions Regarding the Function of the Georgia Commission on Interstate Cooperation; Change Certain Provisions Regarding the Status of the Council of State Governments and Certain Related Organizations; Change Certain Provisions Regarding the Homestead Exemption by Qualified Disabled Veterans, Filing Requirements, Periodic Substantiation of Eligibility, and Persons Eligible Without Application; Change Certain Provisions Regarding Limitations with Respect to Local Sales and Use Taxes; Provide for Certain Exemptions; Change Certain Provisions Regarding the Joint County and Municipal Sales Tax and Provide for an Optional Rate Increase to Two Percent with Respect to Imposition by Certain Consolidated Governments; Provide for Imposition of This Tax at the Rate of Two Percent by Consolidated Governments; Provide for Additional Procedures, Conditions, and Limitations with Respect to Certain Water and Sewer Projects or Costs with Respect to the Special County One Percent Sales and Use Tax; Provide for the Levy and Collection of a Municipal Water and Sewer Projects or Costs Sales and Use Tax; Provide for Powers, Duties, and Authority of Municipal Governing Authorities with Respect to This Tax; Provide for Powers, Duties and Authority of the State Revenue Commissioner with Respect to this Tax; Provide for a Discontinuation of This Tax; Provide for Comprehensive Provisions to Provide Funding to Local Governments for Service Delivery Costs Through Certain Sales and Use Taxation; Provide for Comprehensive Provisions to Address Changes in Land Use Classification that Increase Service Delivery and Infrastructure Costs to Local Governments; Provide for Creation of Special Districts; Provide a Special District Sales and Use Tax; Provide for the Rate and Manner of Imposition of This Tax; Provide for Collection and Administration of This Tax; Provide for Returns; Provide for Distribution and Expenditure of Proceeds; Change Certain Provisions Regarding Annexation; Change Certain Provisions Regarding Land Use Classification Objections; Require Annual Publication of Certain Information Regarding Collection and Expenditure of the Proceeds of the Special Purpose One Percent Sales and Use Tax; Exempt from Ad Velorem Taxation Certain Motor Vehicles Owned by Persons Who Have Been Awarded the Medal of Honor; and for Other Purposes
Georgia State University Law Review


Table of Georgia Code Sections Affected
Georgia State University Law Review


House and Senate Bill Index
Georgia State University Law Review