
SisterLove Inc. -- Importance of Community Engagement


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Dázon Dixon Diallo, M.P.H, Founder and President of Sister Love, Inc. (Atlanta, GA), discusses the role of SisterLove in advancing the fight against HIV and empowering women, particularly women of color.


Discussion Questions

  • Ms. Diallo identifies a gap between research and the community it was intended to serve. What was the gap? What do you think caused the gap? How did SisterLove seek to fill that gap? Do you think such gaps persist? If so, what more needs to be done?
  • Why do research? (Ms. Diallo describes some benefits she sees). Who determines what research is conducted? Who’s included? Who’s excluded? What is needed to make research more inclusive?
  • Ms. Diallo describes key commitments of SisterLove, including centering research on the lived experiences of the folks who are being studied? What are the benefits of the approach? What are the structural barriers to doing so? SisterLove provides one example of how to overcome the barriers. What are some of the ways they did so? What others can you think of?

Selected Resources

Thomas M. Painter, Jeffrey H. Herbst, Dázon Dixon Diallo, Lisa Diane White, Community-based program to prevent HIV/AIDS infection among heterosexual black women, MMWR Suppl. 63(1): 15-20 (2014)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HIV, https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/default.html.

Scott D. Rhodes, Robert M. Malow, and Christine Jolly, Community-based participatory research (CBPR): A new and not-so-new approach to HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment, AIDS Education and Prevention, 22(3): 173-183 (2010), available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3282157/

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