Document Type
Peach Sheet
The Act creates a state-level commission to authorize charter schools and cosponsors these charter schools. If a charter school petition is denied by a local board of education, the petititoner may submit the petition to the commission for approval unless the school would be located in a charter system. Commission charter schools receive federal, state, and local funding.
Recommended Citation
Georgia State University Law Review,
EDUCATION Elementary and Secondary Education: Amend Chapter 2 of Title 20 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Relating to Elementary and Secondary Education, so as to Provide for Legislative Findings and Intent; Provide for Definitions; Establish the Georgia Charter Schools Commission; Provide for its Powers and Duties; Provide for Commission Charter Schools; Provide for Cosponsors; Provide for Petitions and Review; Provide for Petitions from Existing Charter Schools; Provide for Access to Information for Parents; Provide for an Annual Report; Provide for Debts of Commission Charter Schools; Provide for Funding for Commission Charter Schools; Provide for Collaboration by the Commission with the Department of Education; Provide for Rules and Regulations; Provide for Application of General Charter School Laws; Provide for Retention of Administrative Fees by a Local Board of Education for Newly Approved Local Charter Schools; Provide for Additional QBE Funding for Full-time Equivalent Students in System Charter Schools; Include such Amount in the Total State Funds Allotted to a School System; Provide for Related Matters; Repeal Conflicting Laws; and for Other Purposes,
Ga. St. U. L. Rev.
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