Document Type
Peach Sheet
The Act establishes definitions and protocols in order to provide protection to waste management companies providing waste collection services in newly formed municipalities. Further, the Act provides for the spending of finds in a newly incorporated area.
Recommended Citation
Georgia State University Law Review,
LOCAL GOVERNMENT General Provisions: Amend Title 36 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Relating to Local Government, so as to Require that Certain Contracts Shall be Honored by Municipalities or Other Government Entities; Provide for Definitions; Provide for Certain Restrictions on Certain Actions Taken by Local Governments; Place Certain Requirements on Solid Waste Collection Firms; Provide for Additional Requirements Regarding Certain Excess Funds of Special Districts Divided into Noncontiguous Areas; Provide for Related Matters; Provide for an Effective Date; Repeal Conflicting Laws; and for Other Purposes,
Ga. St. U. L. Rev.
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