Document Type
Peach Sheet
The Act's purpose is to provide for the certification of qualified medication aides. The Act provides for the delegation of certain nursing tasks to qualified medication aides. The Act provides requirements for community living arrangements that utilize qualified medication aides. The Act also extends prescriptive powers and responsibilities to advanced practice registered nurses.
Recommended Citation
Georgia State University Law Review,
HEALTH Georgia Qualified Medication Aides Act: Provide for the Certification of Qualified Medication Aides; Provide for Powers and Responsibilities of the Georgia Board of Examiners of Licensed Practical Nurses; Provide for Certification Standards and Requirements; Provide for Requirements of Community Living Arrangements Which Utilize Qualified Medication Aides; Provide for Enactment of Rules and Regulations Affecting Advanced Practice Registered Nurses; Provide for a Physician to Delegate Certain Medical Acts to Allow an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse to Issue Prescription Drug Orders and Provide Professional Samples, Order Diagnostic Studies, Medical Devices, and in Certain Life-Threatening Situations to Order Radiographic Imaging; Provide for Execution of Prescription Drug Orders; Provide for Related Matters; Repeal Conflicting Laws; and for Other Purposes,
Ga. St. U. L. Rev.
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