Document Type
Peach Sheet
The Act limits the forms of identification that are acceptable in order to register and to vote in the State of Georgia to the following: (1) Georgia driver's license; (2) Georgia "Voter Identification Card" or other government-issued identification card containing a photograph; (3) U.S. passport; (4) government employee identification card containing a photograph; (5) U.S. military identification car containing a photograph; or (6) tribal identification card containing a photograph. The Act creates the Georgia Voter Identification Card, a card to be issued free of charge. The Act also authorizes the State Election Board to conduct educational programs pertaining to the new voter identification requirements.
Recommended Citation
Georgia State University Law Review,
ELECTIONS Elections and Primaries Generally: Authorize State Election Board to Conduct Certain Educational Programs; Change Provisions Relating to Required Presentation of Identification by Voters; Specify Types of Identification Which May be Used; Provide for Georgia Voter Identification Cards To Be Issued by Each County Board of Registrars to Registered Electors Who do not Have a Valid Driver's License or Identification Card Issued by the Department of Driver Services; Provide for the Contents and Appearance of Such Cards; Provide for Applications and Supporting Documentation; Provide for the Supply of Equipment and the Adoption of Rules and Regulations by the State Election Board; Change Provisions Relating to Issuance of Free Identification Card by the Department of Driver Services to Registered Electors; Provide for Other Related Matters; Provide an Effective Date; Repeal Conflicting Laws; and for Other Purposes,
Ga. St. U. L. Rev.
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