Volume 12, Issue 1 (1995) October 1995
Peach Sheets
REVENUE AND TAXATION Income Taxes: Hold Service Providers to Three-Factor Tax Apportionment Standard Used by Manufacturers
Brian Wiklendt
DOMESTIC RELATIONS Adoption: Limit Recourse When Adoption Petition is Predicated on Exception to Requiring Surrender or Termination of Parental Rights
Cecil G. McLendon Jr.
PUBLIC UTILITIES AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Telephone and Telegraph Service: Create Telecommunications and Competition Development Act of 1995
Cecil G. McLendon Jr.
HEALTH Hospitalization for Tuberculosis: Ensure Due Process for Persons Involuntarily Hospitalized
David M. Bessho
REVENUE AND TAXATION Tax Sales: Create Judicial Tax Foreclosure Procedures to Aid Low Income Housing Development
Holly M. Hearn
LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Workers' Compensation: Provide 1996 Olympic and Paralympic Volunteers with Workers' Compensation Coverage
Keith Porterfield
TORTS General Provisions: Provide Volunteers with Limited Tort Immunity During Declared Emergencies
Mary E. Sharp
PUBLIC OFFICERS AND OFFICIALS Personnel Administration: Require Applicants for State Employment to Submit to Tests for Illegal Drugs
Michael R. Tippett
CRIMES AND OFFENSES Crimes Against the Person: Provide Two Additional Means by Which Aggravated Stalking Statute May Be Violated
Rebecca R. Crowley
CRIMES AND OFFENSES Offenses Against Public Order and Safety: Provide Definition and Procedure for Use of Pen Register and Trap and Trace Device
Rebecca R. Crowley
DOMESTIC RELATIONS Alimony and Child Support Generally: Amend Child Support Calculations
Vicki Lynn Bell
EVIDENCE Hearsay: Provide for Admissibility of Testimony Based on Statements by Child Witnesses
Vicki Lynn Bell
BANKING AND FINANCE Financial Institutions: Change Georgia Department of Banking and Finance Regulations Relating to Financial Institutions
Georgia State University Law Review
CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES Control of Soil Erosion and Sedimentation: Establish "Best Management Practices" as Standard for General Permits for Land-Disturbing Activities
Georgia State University Law Review
CORPORATIONS, PARTNERSHIPS, AND ASSOCIATIONS Partnerships: Provide for Formation of Domestic Limited Liability Partnerships
Georgia State University Law Review
COURTS: Juvenile Proceedings, Parental Rights Modify Training Requirements for Juvenile Court Judges Showing Hardship; Define Rights and Responsibilities of Department of Corrections with Respect to Certain Juveniles
Georgia State University Law Review
COURTS: Juvenile Proceedings, Parental Rights Provide for Public Access to Juvenile Court Proceedings and Records; Provide for Fingerprinting of Certain Juvenile Offenders; Provide for Victim Notification Upon Release or Parole of Violent Juvenile Offenders and School Notification of Certain Juvenile Offenders
Georgia State University Law Review
CRIMES AND OFFENSES Offenses Against Public Order and Safety: Prohibit Interception and Publication of Cellular Radio Telephone Communications
Georgia State University Law Review
CRIMES AND OFFENSES Forfeiture of Property Used in Burglary or Armed Robbery: Provide for Forfeiture of Motor Vehicles, Tools, and Weapons Used in Burglary or Armed Robbery
Georgia State University Law Review
CRIMES AND OFFENSES Offenses Against Public Order and Safety: Increase Penalty for Commission of Crime with a Firearm by a Convicted Felon; Provide for Life Confinement Upon a Subsequent Conviction; Provide for Felony Offense of Riot When a Person in a Penal Institution Commits an Act of Violence
Georgia State University Law Review
Table of Georgia Code Sections Affected
Georgia State University Law Review
House and Senate Bill Index
Georgia State University Law Review