Document Type
Peach Sheet
The Act allows for the creation of charter systems and amends the process of converting public schools into charter schools. The Act provides flexibility for local schools and systems to tailor programs for the unique needs of their communities through the local management of schools and innovative educational programs. The Act requires the State Board of Education to establish rules for charter petitions for compliance with the standards set by the State Board. The Act provides a grant of charter school systems and dictates the terms for renewing charters systems. The Act establishes how a charter school or system can amend the terms of its charteror terminate its charter. The Act establishes how local revenue earnings shall be calculated for start-up charter schools, and waives certain requirements required under the Title 20 for charter schools and systems. The Act changes the responsibilities of the Office of Charter School Compliance.
Recommended Citation
Georgia State University Law Review,
EDUCATION Elementary and Secondary Education: Amend Article 31 of Chapter 2 of Title 20 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Relating to Charter Schools, so as to Enact the "Charter Systems Act"; Provide for Legislative Findings; Provide for the Establishment of Charter Systems; Revise and Add Definitions; Provide for the Establishment of the Charter Advisory Committee; Provide for Requirements for Petitions for Charter Systems; Provide for Waivers and Operating Requirements, Control, and Management for Charter Systems; Provide for Termination of Charter Systems; Revise Certain Provisions Relative to Funding of Charter Schools; Change Certain Provisions Relative to the Office of Charter School Compliance; Revise Provisions for Purposes of Conformity; Provide for Related Matters; Provide for Effective Dates; Repeal Conflicting Laws; and for Other Purposes,
Ga. St. U. L. Rev.
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