Document Type
Peach Sheet
The Act relates to juvenile proceedings. It provides that superior courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the trial of certain felony offenses involving juveniles and also provides that those offenses are bailable only before a judge of the superior court. Further, the Act states that certain designated felonies are not subject to informal adjustment without notifying the district attorney. The Act also adds battery of a teacher or other school personnel, racketeering, theft of a motor vehicle, and acts of the juvenile relating to escape to the list of "desginated felonies." Furthermore, the Act specifies when the disposition of a child may be used during a proceeding. The Act increases the supervision fees in juvenile court, and specifies that counsel need only request disclosure of the court files and records of the juvenile, rather than going through the subpoena process. The Act clarifies that teachers and school officials do not have to obtain the consent of the court to get the juvenile's records. The Act also elevates battery against a teacher or other school personnel to the status of a felony. Finally, the Act includes juveniles in the general statute regarding escape.
Recommended Citation
Georgia State University Law Review,
COURTS, CRIMES AND OFFENSES Crimes Against the Person; Classify Battery Upon a Teacher or School Official as a Felony; Juvenile Proceedings, Parental Rights: Provide for Jurisdiction and Guidance in Juvenile Proceedings; Offenses Against Public Administration: Include Escape of a Juvenile in the General Escape Statute,
Ga. St. U. L. Rev.
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