Document Type
Peach Sheet
Act 6 enacts the Alabama-Coose-Tallapoosa between Georgia and Alabama of surface waters from the basin. Act 7 enacts the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin Compact for allocation among Alabama, Florida, and Georgia of surface waters from the basin. The Acts do not provide specific percentages or formulas under which the surface waters will be allocated among the states. Instead, the Acts provide for the formation of a Commission for each Compact. Each Commission will consist of the Governors of each state and federal Commissioner appointed by the President. Each Commission, by a unanimous vote, will approve an allocation formula for dividing surface waters in the two basins among the three states. However, the federal Commissioner's nonconcurrence in the allocation formulas can be overridden by the remaining Commission members. The Acts provide that the allocation formulas will protect water quality, ecology, and biodiversity within the meaning of federal environmental protection legislation. The Acts have the force of federal law and can override state laws. The Acts also provide for termination of the Compacts upon agreement by the legislatures of the three states.
Recommended Citation
Georgia State University Law Review,
CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES Interstate Compacts: Allocate Surface Water Resources from the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa River Basin Between Georgia and Alabama; Allocate Surface Water Resources from the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin Among Alabama, Florida, and Georgia,
Ga. St. U. L. Rev.
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