Document Type
Peach Sheet
The Act amends several sections of the Workers' Compensation Code. The Act provides for the inclusion of a formerly self-insured employer's experience in determining an experience modifier and requires the prior self-insurance fund to release data for the replacement insurer to determine the proper experience modifier. The Act allows fund trustees, officers, or administrators to solicit membership. The Act also changes provisions relating to maintenance of loss reserves, and payment of operating expenses by fund members. The Act requires a fidelity bond for an applicant for a fund administrator's license.
Recommended Citation
Georgia State University Law Review,
LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Workers' Compensation: Alter Determination of Experience Modifiers; Change Provisions Relating to Admission and Termination of Members of a Self-Insurance Fund; Revise Provisions Relating to Maintenance of Loss Reserves,
Ga. St. U. L. Rev.
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