"Exodus and the Struggle for Deliverance: Guatemalan Refugees in Mexico" by Timothy Lytton

Exodus and the Struggle for Deliverance: Guatemalan Refugees in Mexico

Publication Title

International Journal of Refugee Law

Document Type


Publication Date



The plight of refugees, for example, the Vietnamese, the Sudanese and the Nicaraguans, has received much attention in recent years. Mostly one reads of communal degeneration and squalid living conditions in refugee camps and a seemingly universal desire of refugees to emigrate to the United States, Canada and Europe, in search of a better standard of living. One refugee group that has remained virtually unnoticed, however, is the Guatemalan Indians in southern Mexico. While in exile they have nurtured and developed their communities, in the hope of returning someday to rebuild the devastated villages they left behind.


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Recommended Citation

Timothy Lytton, Exodus and the Struggle for Deliverance: Guatemalan Refugees in Mexico, 1990 Int'l J. Refugee L. (Special Issue) 173.

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