
Journal of Comparative Urban Law and Policy

Festschrift II in Honor of Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer on the Occasion of His Retirement: International Perspectives on Urban Law & Policy


Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer

This special edition celebrates the retirement of Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer, Ben F. Johnson Jr. Chair in Law and Director of the Center for the Comparative Study of Metropolitan Growth at Georgia State University College of Law, after 55 years of teaching law. It features several tributes and articles written by Julian's dearest friends and colleagues.



Pandemic Planning
Dwight Merriam


Why Greenland is not for Sale
Ellen Margrethe Basse


Transport Sustainability in the United States: Leading from Below
Catherine Ross, Chisun Yoo, and Bruce Stiftel


Inequities of Transit Access: The Case of Atlanta, GA
Christopher K. Wyczalkowski, Timothy Welch, and Obed Pasha


Regulating Micromobility: Examining Transportation Equity and Access
Karen Johnston, Deirdre A. Oakley, Audra Durham, Claire Bass, and Stacie Kershner